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The 1 million euro call from the Molise Region to launch new startups. The details

The 1 million euro call from the Molise Region to launch new startups. The details
The 1 million euro call from the Molise Region to launch new startups. The details

According to Councilor Micone, “new lifeblood and vitality is needed for rural economies and non-agricultural sectors”. From 20 to 30 thousand euros as a lump sum

“The purpose of the call is to incentivize the creation of new businesses that carry out non-agricultural activities. The objective is to revitalize rural economies through the creation of new non-agricultural activities and an increase in job opportunities.” In the call published by Region Molise – available at this link – provides all the information on this measure announced in recent days to encourage the creation of new companies. The resources available amount to 1 million euros.

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«As a Department – ​​explained the regional manager Salvatore Miconewith responsibility for agricultural and agri-food policies – we want to encourage the growth of new concrete opportunities for development and fair valorization of territories and their communities at risk of marginalization so as to make them protagonists-recipients of activities that bring new life and vitality to rural economies and non-agricultural sectors through the creation of startups, small and micro businesses with an innovative character and in step with the times».

Startup call for Molise: criteria and funds

Among the conditions for accessing the initiative dedicated to startups in Molise the development of a business plan is envisaged, over a maximum period of five years, with the commitment to start the activities within nine months from the date of granting the funds; the company must be maintained “for at least 5 years from the date of entry into force of the activity envisaged in the plan”.

As stated in the document, “the aid is granted as a lump sum” and is equal to 20 thousand euros “if the new business is located in mountain areas where living conditions require smaller economic resources”; the sum rises to 30 thousand euros “if the new business is located in the other D areas where living conditions require greater economic resources than in mountain areas”. The aid will be disbursed in two installments: 80% of the sum at start-up, while the remaining resources upon completion of the business plan. Applications are accepted within 60 days of publication of the call. The procedure takes place electronically on the SIAN portal, using the Single Application Form (MUD).

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