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Athletics Bologna double against Padule (16-3 and 6-2)

Athletics Bologna double against Padule (16-3 and 6-2)
Athletics Bologna double against Padule (16-3 and 6-2)

Double victory for Athletics Bologna against Padulethe yellow-greens They win Game 1 16-3 due to clear superiority and Game 3 6-2closing the regular season with a sweep away.

The double victory is worth third place, while waiting for Fiorentina and Godo to definitively define the standings today. Group D of Serie A.

Whether third or fourth place, however, the Athletics have played a good first part of the season and will now face the Poule Relegation (which will start on the weekend of 20/21 July) with the awareness of being able to have their say in whatever group they are placed.

Gara1 – Padule-Athletics 3-16

The Athletics they start off on the right foot, scoring a point right from the start. After suffering two eliminations, Errico’s hit is followed by Alessandro Montanari’s double which makes it 1-0. Padule responds in the bottom of the second inningbringing the match back to a draw with the 1-1 pointafter the yellow-greens had left two men on base.

The third inning flows smoothly and it almost seems that the two defenses have found a way to contain the rival attacks.In reality only Nepoti can do itreaching the end of the sixth inning without conceding any more points, closing the personal test with 3 hits and 1 base ball allowed.

If Padule sees the zero repeat itself from the third to the sixth inning, this is not the case for the Athletics, who in the fourth they finally break the game. The ball bases of Mirco Monda e Cooks and a defensive error fill the bases. The base ball of Mountaineers the first point is worth it and then double that Manuel Monda takes home three more. The validity of EricIn the end, leads Bologna to 6-1.

At that point the yellow-greens begin to go to base with impressive regularity, and two runs also arrive in the fifth and sixth inningsThe upper part of the seventh closes with Bologna leads 11-1.

Big inning with grand slam by Errico

Padule awakens and marks the11-2 at the end of the seventh, but In the eighth the Athletics close the game. A second big inning and 5 points bring the result to the 16-2Also thanks to Errico’s Grand Slam, which hits a 4-run home run.

The score is then adjusted at the change of ends in the final 16-3The game therefore ends with an inning to spare, for manifests superiority of the Bolognese.

Worth highlighting are the performances of Eric (3 for 5 with 1 home run, 6 RBI and two runs scored), who also becomes pitcher for the final two innings, and Manuel Monda (3 for 5 with a double, 1 walk, 4 RBI and 3 runs scored), who impeccably led their teammates, in a game in which everyone gave a fundamental contribution.


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Gara2 – Padule-Athletics 2-6

Game 2 was decidedly different from the first, with the two teams playing a much more balanced match, with the home team having the advantage for almost half the match.

Raider Martinezafter the excellent shutout last week, pitches six innings and concedes 5 hits and 1 balland undergoing two pointsone in the second and one in the third inning. He was then taken over by Giorgi, who allowed only one base ball in three innings, winning his personal challenge and contributing significantly to the final victory.

Despite attempts, the Athletics arrive at the end of the fifth inning it was 2-0 for Padulebut in the sixth they tie. The valid of Of the Prior is followed by the base ball of Manuel Monda. The two are sent home from double by Alessando Montanari which, as mentioned, impacts the match at 2-2.

The seventh game passes without any points for either team, and the eighth game, as happened in Game 1, becomes decisive. The two consecutive hits of Manuela Monda ed Henry they put runners on the corners. Monda steals the second and then a mistake by Padule allows him to reach third and grants Errico the point of the yellow-green advantage.

The joke of Mirco Monda leads to 4-2 but his elimination, the second of the inning, seems to bring the game to a close. And instead four consecutive hits arrive: Accorsi, Marinelli Pancellini and Cocchi thus bring another two points, for the final 6-2which will not be touched up again until the end of the race.


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