ARPA Lombardia: competition for technical assistants

ARPA Lombardia: competition for technical assistants
ARPA Lombardia: competition for technical assistants

The Regional Agency for Environmental Protection (ARPA) of Lombardy has announced a competition for technical assistants.

The selected resources will perform instrumentation maintenance activities, in the management of private stations in the air quality monitoring network.

The deadline for submitting the application for participation expires on July 26, 2024.

Below we provide all the useful information on requirements, selection, how to apply and the notice to download.


ARPA Lombardy has therefore announced a competition aimed at hiring six technical assistants. This staff will be assigned to the Air Quality Organizational Unit of ARPA Lombardia and will serve at the branches of the same structure distributed throughout the Lombardy Region.

The main activities to be carried out will be the following:

  • maintenance and control of the instrumentation for measuring air quality;
  • ongoing specialized support to ARPA Lombardia in the context of the collection, management and validation of environmental data relating to the state of air quality, with particular reference to the systematization and standardization of the collected and historical data to make them functional for the checks required by the standard;
  • insertion and extraction into/from databases ARPA Lombardy/Lombardy Region;
  • support for the development of procedures aimed at making the exchange between the data collected and the ARPA Lombardy/Lombardy Region applications compatible.


Persons in possession of the general requirements for access to public competitions may participate in the competition for technical assistants of ARPA Lombardia, namely:

  • citizenship Italian or from one of the countries of the European Union or from other categories indicated in the announcement;
  • age not less than 18 years old and not more than the age limit for retirement;
  • full enjoyment of civil and political rights;
  • not be excluded from the active political electorate;
  • physical fitness for employment;
  • regular position with respect to the compulsory military service, for citizens subject to this obligation;
  • have not had any criminal convictions with a final judgment which constitutes an impediment to employment in a public administration;
  • not having been dismissed or discharged from employment in a public administration due to persistent insufficient performance, or dismissed for the same reasons or for disciplinary reasons, or declared dismissed for having achieved the hiring or appointment through the production of false documents or documents tainted by irremediable nullity;
  • do not fit into any of the conditions envisaged by the laws in force as impediments to the establishment of the public sector employment relationship.


Candidates are also required to possess the following specific requirements:

  • Five-year diploma in technical education – technological sector, with one of the following addresses (or equivalent qualifications):
    – Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy;
    – Electronics and electrical engineering;
    – IT and Telecommunications;
    – Chemistry, materials and biotechnology;
    – Agriculture, agri-food and agro-industry;
    – Constructions, environment and territory.
  • category B driving license or higher in validity.


In the event that the number of applications exceeds 100, the Administration reserves the right to precede the admission of candidates by a pre-selection consisting of a pre-determined multiple choice questionnaire on the subjects covered by the competition. There are no plans to publish a database of questions.

The selection involves the carrying out of 2 exams: a written test and an oral test.

The tests will focus on following topics:

  • notes on air quality regulations;
  • air pollution;
  • scientific instrumentation;
  • data acquisition and processing.

During the oral exam will also be evaluated:

  • knowledge of the rudiments of the Digital Administration Code (Legislative Decree 82/2005 and subsequent amendments), basic IT and information and communication technologies;
  • scholastic knowledge of the English language.

This public selection complies with the new rules set out in the regulations for public competitions.


ARPA Lombardia – Regional Agency for the Protection of the Environment of Lombardy – is a public law body with administrative, organizational and accounting autonomy.

It deals with the prevention and protection of the environment, supporting regional and local institutions in various activities such as, for example, the fight against air and noise pollution and investigations into soil contamination and remediation processes.


The application to participate in the ARPA Lombardia competition for technical assistants must be submitted by 12.00 on July 26, 2024exclusively electronicallythrough the inPA Portal by connecting to the link on this page.

To access the platform you must authenticate using SPID, CIE, CNS or eIDAS credentials.

When filling out the application, candidates must indicate their address certified electronic mail (PEC). Anyone who doesn’t have one can read in this article how to get one in just 30 minutes, from home.

To participate in the competition, a participation fee of euro 10,00.

If you have problems sending your application, we recommend you read this guide which explains simply and clearly how to register on the inPA portal and apply.


All those interested in the ARPA Lombardia competition for technical assistants are invited to carefully read the NOTICE (Pdf 373 KB).

For completeness of information, we point out that the same has also been published on this page of the inPA Portal.


Any invitation to the pre-selection, the list of admitted candidates, the test schedule, the relevant results, the merit ranking and any other communication relating to the competition will be made known through publication on the inPA Portal and on the ARPA Lombardia website (Work with us – Competitions section).


You may be interested in other competitions in Lombardy.

We also invite you to consult the page of public competitions 2024, which is constantly updated with the new announcements. You can also find out about the next competitions to find out which announcements will be published in the coming months and prepare in time.

Finally, to always be updated on job opportunities and public selections, sign up for our free newsletter, our Telegram, WhatsApp and TikTok channels @ticonsigliounlavoro.

Follow us also on Google News by clicking on the “follow” button.

by Anna Z.

Editor, expert in public work and training.

All job advertisements published are aimed without distinction at candidates of both sexes, in full compliance with Law 903/1977.

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