Liguria-gate and Iren. CEO position vacant. Troubled waters in Genoa

Liguria-gate and Iren. CEO position vacant. Troubled waters in Genoa
Liguria-gate and Iren. CEO position vacant. Troubled waters in Genoa

After the dismissal for just cause of the CEO Paolo Signorini – entangled in the Liguria-Gate which also brought the governor Giovanni Toti into handcuffs – in his replacement Iren has appointed Paola Girdinio as a board member who will remain in office until the approval of the Financial statements as of December 31, 2024 (like the entire board). Her entry into the Board of Directors was approved on the proposal of the shareholder FSU (Finanziara Sviluppo Utilities).

Girdinio is a professor at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Genoa as well as already on the Board of Directors of Enel and the Costa Crociere Foundation.

The CEO position therefore remains vacant also by virtue of the redistribution of delegations to the president Luca Dal Fabbro and the vice president, Moris Ferretti from Reggio Emilia, already sanctioned a few days after the scandal broke. But the empty CEO seat is now stirring up trouble, especially under the city of the Lanterna.

A game of Iren’s appointments at the beginning of 2025 which will become incandescent and which the new mayor of Reggio, Marco Massari, will also be called upon to resolve.

“The shareholders’ meeting of Iren, in addition to approving the financial statements, decreed the loss of any role for Genoa in the management of one of the most important Italian multi-utilities, of which it is the main shareholder. The failure to appoint a new CEO condemns Genoa and Liguria to complete marginalization within the company. A marginalization to which Toti and Bucci relegated Genoa and Liguria a year ago, with the choice of Signorini and accepting that the CEO would lose important delegations such as those for personnel, finance and investor relations, which instead the parasocial agreements assigned to the CEO”.

Davide Natale, secretary of the Liguria PS, and Simone D’Angelo, metropolitan secretary of the Genoa PD, wrote this in a note.

“The mayor and president were too keen to have Signorini in that role, which led Genoa and Liguria to see their ability to operate and their importance within society reduced,” the note continues. “With Signorini’s arrest, his remaining responsibilities had been divided between the president representing the Municipality of Turin and the vice president representing the Municipality of Reggio Emilia. Without a replacement and the lack of assignment of the role to a new CEO, Genoa and Liguria are increasingly irrelevant. Iren manages services of extraordinary importance for our community, there are projects in the pipeline in various crucial sectors on which the future of our territory depends,” the note concludes. “But this does not interest the center-right that administers the Municipality and the Region.”

and. p.

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