Milan without words, deal definitively off: he goes to Bologna

Milan without words, deal definitively off: he goes to Bologna
Milan without words, deal definitively off: he goes to Bologna

Milan was left speechless: the deal was definitively cancelled, the player followed for a long time by the Rossoneri club will go to Bologna

Il Milan sees a major objective of its market vanish. The Rossoneri management had been on the player for months and thought that they could bring him to Serie A. In the end, the landing in our championship will take place but not in the Lombard capital but in the Emilian one, headed to Bologna. In the revolution they have in mind Moncada e Furlanithere is the idea of ​​improving the bands too.

Zlatan Ibrahimovic and Giorgio Furlani receive the player’s definitive no: he goes to Bologna – (ANSA) –

The defense itself is probably the department that has greater need for grafts. Not only for the centre-backs but also for the full-backs, considering how the future of Theo Hernandez e Florence It’s not clear yet. The Frenchman scared everyone a few weeks ago directly from the French training camp. Now he’s focused on the European Championship, as soon as it ends we’ll see. His stay is not a given according to his words, but in the end he could stay. Also because the management’s idea is to add important shots, certainly not to sell the big players already present in the squad, although the company policy is clear: no one is untransferable in the face of an indispensable offer.

Milan says goodbye to its goal: the player will go to Bologna

Returning to the possible coup, we have to take a few steps back. The Milanas mentioned, since last autumn followed Juan Miranda with interest. He is a Spanish full-back born in 2000 who is very skilled in both the offensive and defensive phases. Since 2020 he has played for Betis Sevilla, but things will change soon.

Juan Miranda will not arrive at Milan: the deal is definitively over – (ANSA) –

Miranda, in fact, is out of contract and he did not renew with the club Andalusian. The Spanish managers have tried to convince him over the months but his will has been decisive: he wants to try an experience elsewhere, making the leap into big football. To tell the truth, he has already played for a top European team, having grown up in the youth team Barcelonawithout however making his debut in the first team. Milan he thought he was in pole position, he could have struck the blow already in January by recognising a small compensation to the Betis to secure the player. The savings policy on the part of the Milanese, who preferred to wait until June to take it to zero, in the end he didn’t pay.

He thought about it Bolognaso, to beat the competition and get to the full-back. As reported by the journalist of Sky Sport, Gianluca Di Marzio, the deal in favor of Bologna is closing. He will arrive on a free transfer. In the last Liga he made 29 appearances and 2 goals, now he is ready to land in Serie A. Not at Milan, who had in any case had their interest cool off for a few months.

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