OFFICIAL: Adidas is the new technical sponsor of Virtus Bologna

OFFICIAL: Adidas is the new technical sponsor of Virtus Bologna
OFFICIAL: Adidas is the new technical sponsor of Virtus Bologna

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VIRTUS BOLOGNA – The Black Shirts bid farewell to Macron and make official the arrival of Adidas as the new technical sponsor.

Adidas will be the new technical sponsor of the Segafredo Virtus Bologna starting from the 2024/25 season. After 15 years together, the marriage between the From Nere and the technical sponsor Macron.

The words of CEO Virtus Bologna Luca Baraldi:Today we announce the presence of a new technical sponsor, from one that I believe to be among the most important companies in the world. Adidasand I say this as a child because I remember when I used to go around with Adidas folders: today he is my strategic partner, and so I thank Dr. Alberto Uncini Manganelli. He has ties with Bologna and was a Virtus fan. Our season ticket holders are on average younger, and I see Adidas footwear as a distinctive feature of this world: I thank Macron for the many years together, Dr. Pavanello who accompanied us, but life goes on and painful choices are necessary. Now we are a vehicle and tool for Adidas to be present on the market not only among our fans, we are in fact a full-fledged representation of their world. So it is not just merchandising, and I thank the organized fans who will use these products for their activities: it is something strategic, in April we had these open discussions and now we are the tenth company out of eighteen, in the Euroleague, to be a partner of Adidas”

Alberto Hooks Manganelli at Adidas – “I thank Virtus for welcoming us, and Adidas for working to close this agreement that makes us very proud. I am a son of Bologna, who grew up in the times of Brunamonti, Richardson and Danilovic, and I think that there are many things that unite us: the passion for victories, for athletes, the search for innovation and the best. We have always been at the service of the fans, and this is what unites us with Virtus: building a long-term project, we will be able to do many things together for the athletes and for the fans. We are motivated, proud, we will do many beautiful things together”


Two legendary sports teams are coming together next season to write a new page of success and create an even stronger bond with their fans. Virtus Segafredo Bologna, with its glorious tradition of excellence in basketball, and adidas, synonymous with innovation, quality and performance, announce their collaboration with the aim of reaching new goals and unforgettable emotions. Together, they will inspire and engage their communities by celebrating the spirit and inclusiveness of sport with an international approach that is consolidated in tradition. The German brand, in the midst of a moment full of sporting events, is further increasing its presence in the world of sport by celebrating this union that marks the beginning of a new presence in the world of Italian basketball with one of the most iconic teams in our country, and it does so by honoring passion and team spirit.

“We are pleased to announce the new agreement with adidas. This partnership represents a new and important chapter for Virtus Segafredo Bologna, which wants to constantly position itself among the best basketball clubs in Europe. I am sure that this collaboration will lay the foundations for an ambitious future together. We welcome adidas to the great black and white family.” says Luca Baraldi, CEO of Virtus Segafredo Bologna.

”It is with great honor and pride that we begin this new collaboration with Virtus Bologna. We have always been united by a passion for sport, a competitive spirit and the incessant research
of excellence. With these motivations and these values ​​we wish to write together new memorable pages in Italian and international sport and give indelible emotions to all
Black V fanscomments Alberto Uncini Manganelli, GM Running and Crediblity Sports adidas.

Finally, all fans who sign up for the 24/25 season ticket in July will receive the first Virtus T-shirt signed by adidas as a gift. With a view to placing the Juventus fan increasingly at the centre, Virtus Segafredo and adidas have decided to launch the first product that will start the new sponsorship agreement: the shirt of the “In alto Stat Virtus” season ticket campaign.

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