Vittoria Assicurazioni’s Vittoria for Women Tour arrives in Rosolina Mare

Vittoria Assicurazioni’s Vittoria for Women Tour arrives in Rosolina Mare
Vittoria Assicurazioni’s Vittoria for Women Tour arrives in Rosolina Mare

ROSOLINA MARE (Rovigo) – The 6th and 7th July Rosolina Mare will host at the Tortuga Beach Club the 3a stage of the second edition of the “Vittoria for Women Tour”, the itinerant journey created by Victory Insurancein collaboration with the Mirror of the Times Foundation and the Italian Rugby Federation (FIR) to raise public awareness on the topic of prevention of female oncological diseases.

The event, organized in the context of the Italian Beach Rugby Trophy, will see the involvement and direct participation of some Vittoria Assicurazioni agencies present in the area as points of reference for the community, thus confirming their commitment to supporting and protecting their fellow citizens in person.

Accompanied by the claim “Female prevention is our goal”, this Venetian stage, like all the others, will host the “VittoriaBus”a travelling information and prevention centre, purchased thanks to the fundraising campaign launched in 2023 on the occasion of the first edition of the Tour and donated to the Specchio dei Tempi Foundation, which will be used as a medical room for a free breast examination. Furthermore, for the entire duration of the initiative, the following will be promoted: a new fundraiser this year to support thepurchase of one or more ultrasound scanners furniture to further expand its operations across the country.

During this prevention trip, participants will also be able to test an innovative device on site Digital Health Solution developed by How are you in collaboration with the De Pasquale Group. The application will allow them to monitor the most important vital parameters and receive the results of the check-up directly on your smartphone.

During the weekend branded “Vittoria for Women Tour”, Health will not be the only protagonist, there will also be space for good music and healthy sport. Summer hits will be, in fact, the soundtrack that will accompany all adults and children who, supported by experts and players, will want to learn the techniques of rugby and the values ​​that characterize it, for a truly unique gaming experience.

The next stages of the Vittoria for Women Tour 2024: 13-14/07 San Felice Circeo (LT) – Lazio; 20-21/07 Viareggio – Tuscany; 27-28/07 Capaccio Paestum (SA) – Campania

“The Vittoria for Women Tour is an initiative in which the Company strongly believes because it represents a real and concrete action for women’s cancer prevention that we are extremely proud of. Even today, prevention is an action that is too often underestimated, due to fear, lack of opportunity or even just laziness, but it can really make a difference in the life of a person and those around them. This is why for the second consecutive year we are proud to continue the commitment made and transmit this powerful message even during a beautiful and carefree day by the sea. We thank the partners who support us on this extraordinary journey, the FIR and the Specchio dei Tempi Foundation, and obviously the Municipality of Rosolina for their enthusiasm and hospitality”, declares Luciano Chillemi, Head of Institutional Communication and Customer Care of Victory Insurance.

“Rosolina Mare welcomes the stage of July 6-7 with great pride and as Councilor for Sport I fully understand the passion that moves this sport. On behalf of myself and the entire Municipal Administration, I welcome all the participants and organizers, whom I thank for choosing our sea as a sports and prevention stage. Over the years, our tourist resort is becoming increasingly suitable for sporting events like this and I hope the participants appreciate the beauty of our territory as an ideal setting and leave an indelible memory”, comment Stefano Gazzola, Councillor for Sport, City of Rosolina.

“Through the 2023 national tour, the Prevention MirrorBus has offered breast screening and specialist consultations to thousands of women, allowing the early diagnosis of various anomalies and the timely initiation of appropriate treatments. Thanks to the commitment of doctors, this initiative has helped identify 31 suspected cases, allowing the immediate initiation of therapies in about 25 cases,” she says. Angel Contiwho has been responsible for the project in recent years for the Specchio dei Tempi Foundation.

“We are proud of this event, the great participation of the public, athletes and athletes that is repeated every year testifies to the relationship that exists between this region and rugby, in this case beach rugby. – he claims Sandro Trevisan, President of the Veneto Regional Committee of the Rugby Federation. On the beach of Rosolina there are many boys and girls who love rugby and who have the pleasure of playing on a beautiful day dedicated to sport and sportsmanship. The involvement of families and the public of enthusiasts contributes to creating a special setting. A thank you goes to all those who worked and made the project possible and to those who support us who have taken this opportunity to give space and importance to issues such as research and prevention in the field of oncology. The spirit of rugby is precisely this: to give support and a tangible sign in the social field.”

Manuela Furlan, historic Captain of the Italian Women’s National Teameighty-nine times on the field with the blue shirt, will once again be the testimonial of the project: “I am very happy to participate in this new tour again this year. Last year we were involved in 6 different stages around Italy and the numbers were constantly growing stage after stage. This year’s goal is to improve even more, bring a bit of fun to other beaches without ever forgetting prevention, which is the cornerstone of our tour. I thank FIR and Vittoria Assicurazioni for this new opportunity, I really believe in this project and being part of it is a source of responsibility and pride for me. I can’t wait to start again, come and visit us!”

The Tour was conceived and created in collaboration with the communications agency Integer and the agency Artena for the production and logistics part.

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