“Journey into the suspended forest” – The Province of Civitavecchia

“Journey into the suspended forest” – The Province of Civitavecchia
“Journey into the suspended forest” – The Province of Civitavecchia

NEPI – Wednesday 10 July at 6 pm, the council chamber of the municipality of Nepi will host the conference to present the new integrated theatre show “Viaggio nel bosco sospeso – Le pasticchie di nonno Piero”, promoted by the Gea social cooperative, with the patronage of the municipality of Nepi, the collaboration of the ASL of Viterbo, the Progetto Uomo institute and the Proloco.

Imagine a fantastic Nepi, populated with fairy-tale characters on a journey through a suspended forest… “Journey into the suspended forest – Le pasticchie di nonno Piero” is the title of the new integrated theater show of the theater company of L’altroside della luna which next 12 and 13 July at 9pm, in the usual and evocative setting of the Borgia Nepi Fort, it will lead you to discover a fairy-tale world suspended between reality and imagination, mythical and current characters, reinterpreted in a Nepesian key.

The protagonists are always them, the boys of the Cse “Piero Carletti di Nepi” and the Pai programs together with the operators of the Gea social cooperative, directed by Giuseppe Carletti, director, screenwriter and narrator of the show. The backdrop to the scenes and characters will be the narration of grandfather Piero, a tribute to dear Piero Carletti and his “pastocchie”. A theatrical project that takes inspiration from the fables of Trilussa and his caricature characters who recall unusual but precious morals; from the inventiveness mixed with the knowledge and irony of Piero Carletti’s Nepi pasticchie, with that caustic and light-hearted touch of Proietti. An explosive mix of ingredients that will make you have fun, move, at times reflect and that will certainly give you something precious to take home. Tickets available for reservation at the number 342.8036982.


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