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two fans on trial and a third acquitted

two fans on trial and a third acquitted
two fans on trial and a third acquitted

Acquitted due to lack of prosecution (i.e. there is no complaint) of the accusation of having thrown firecrackers, in Piazza IV Novembre, during the Grifo celebrations in 2021.

The accused, defended by the lawyer Michele Nannarone, was accused of having caused personal injuries to a girl, “consisting of a burn on the right leg, judged to be healable in 15 days”, having thrown a firecracker “during the celebrations for the promotion in Serie B of Perugia Calcio” on 2 May 2021.

The trial of two other fans, defended by lawyers Cinzia Bartolucci and Ludovica Khraisat, continues, one accused of having thrown a firecracker inside the fence surrounding the Fontana Maggiore “thus causing damage to the same, consisting in the blackening of a portion of the travertine base” of the artistic artefact; the other is also accused of damage for having thrown, again during the celebrations for the promotion of the Grifo, a firecracker “causing damage to the wall of via della Gabbia” with “detachment of stone blocks”.

According to the defense of the acquitted accused, the lawyer Michele Nannarone, the offended person had never identified the alleged firecracker thrower, nor had he ever expressed the desire to file a complaint. The offended person had only reported the fact that she was a “Perugia fan” and that she had gone to the historic center to take part in the celebrations and that while she was “in the middle of the group I heard a loud roar and immediately felt pain in my right leg” . Pulling up my trousers “I realized there was a burn under the knee”. A friend of hers took her to the emergency room in Umbertide for her treatment.

Finally, according to the defence, the possible throwing of firecrackers had taken place during a demonstration in the historic center and not near the stadium, also dropping the hypothesis of violation of the rules on the conduct and safety of sporting events.

The judge acquitted the accused, while the trial continues for the other two fans, even though a report from the Municipality of Perugia states that there was no damage to the Fontana Maggiore.

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