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Virtuous Reggio Emilia. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

Virtuous Reggio Emilia. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |
Virtuous Reggio Emilia. VIDEO Reggionline -Telereggio – Latest news Reggio Emilia |

In Italy, especially in the South, the number of municipal administrations that pay their suppliers with heavy delays is very high. The Municipality of our city, however, in the first quarter of the year settled the outstanding debts 17 days in advance

REGGIO EMILIA – European and national rules set the time limit within which public administrations are required to pay for the supply of goods and services to private companies and cooperatives at 30 days. But bureaucracy is often slow in respecting this economic commitment, especially in the South.

In 2023, for example, the Municipality of Naples accumulated delays of 143 days on average. Among the snail municipalities we find Andria with 89 days, Chieti with 61, Reggio Calabria with 54 days. And in Reggio Emilia? In 2023 the local authority paid its suppliers and partners an average of 4 days in advance, while if we consider the first quarter of 2024 the advance is even 17 days. The picture emerges from a survey by the Cgia of Mestre, the artisans and small businesses association, whose research office is considered among the most authoritative at a national level in terms of economic and social analyses.

Looking at the neighboring provinces, our cousins ​​from Modena paid their bills 18 days in advance in 2023, maintaining this pace in the first quarter of the current year. In Parma, the days in advance were 15 in 2023 and remain so in the first quarter of 2024. Surprisingly, the most virtuous city, at least partially denying the image of an inefficient South, is Palermo where in 2023 payments were made a full 65 days in advance.

Reggio Emilia Municipality of Reggio Emilia public administration payments

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