guarantee investments in the port territory

guarantee investments in the port territory
guarantee investments in the port territory

Administration of Corigliano-Rossano: some clarifications regarding the note from the confederal unions

The need to guarantee and indeed attract investments, expressed by the confederal unions, is also totally shared by the Municipal Administration. Only some clarification is necessary with respect to the “legal and procedural issues” to which reference is made.

Flavio Stasi

Meanwhile, the absence of planning for the port, denounced from day one only by the Municipal Administration, is an issue that should concern everyone, even the trade union representatives, as it is synonymous with a total lack of development prospects and vision of the Authority Port manager towards the source.

While we understand the pragmatic approach of the unions, it is not possible – for those who govern the territory – to replace planning with a “first come, first served” approach. We have said it many times: it may not be an attractive topic, but planning is not a bureaucratic frill, but rather the main development tool available to the territory.

Secondly, any procedural gap raised cannot be assimilated to a gray bureaucratic obstacle, such as a lack of notification or the expiry of a deadline, but rather to the absence of a clear authorization path in relation to the conference of services. This is an issue of administrative transparency that I believe should also be close to the hearts of trade union representatives.

Having made these clarifications, we do not shy away from discussions on the merits. I believe that the entire territory agrees in not wanting to give up the investment; however, I believe it is necessary to examine in depth and share what has been requested by many parties, including the Municipal Administration, namely the evaluation of the settlement outside the port perimeter, with a transport and access vector to the dock dedicated to and serving the industrial area.

It is clear that this would be a less convenient solution for the investor, but the institutions and social forces exist to reconcile and balance different interests, and our role requires us – for the given geographical, urban and landscape context – to work so that the plant is located in its natural location, namely the industrial area. It would be useful if we all worked together towards this goal and obviously the Municipal Administration remains available in this sense.

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