“Reorganizing the alternative to the left after the electoral defeat”

“Reorganizing the alternative to the left after the electoral defeat”
“Reorganizing the alternative to the left after the electoral defeat”

In Meldola the centre-left majority, clearly reconfirmed in the last municipal elections, will immediately have to deal with two minority council groups: Noi Meldolesi and Meldola Futura, the latter established during the first Municipal Council by the group leader Lara Bruno, coordinator of Brothers of Italy in the Romagna area. The promoter, outgoing city councilor reconfirmed with 140 preferences, explains this political choice as follows: “Meldola Futura does not intend to compete with Noi Meldolesi, but I believe that, after the second clear electoral defeat, it is necessary to reorganize the alternative to the left from the foundations by looking forward, making an honest self-criticism and definitively overcoming the aftermath of personalisms that continue to influence the municipal vote to the detriment of the center-right”.

“In practice it is necessary to bring the local political debate back to issues that are really felt by the people, identifying concrete programs to face the community’s challenges and to invest in the numerous unexpressed potential – he adds -. A participatory commitment, which cannot ignore civic experiences and skills, but which must also proceed in close collaboration with the relevant parties, which guide the national government, that of the capital and which in many municipalities support responsible majorities that are attentive to the needs of citizens”.

Bruno concludes: “Meldola Futura therefore places itself as an interlocutor available to redefine from now on a healthy, practical and constructive path, which returns to aggregating a broad electorate, learning from the successes and mistakes of the past. I am certain, in fact, that by directing council and territorial activity in this sense, we can soon return to competing to finally renew the local administration in the interest of all the people of Meldolfo and those who would like a better future for our city”.

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