With “Yell” in Barletta we talk about digital cultures on the beach and without barriers

With “Yell” in Barletta we talk about digital cultures on the beach and without barriers
With “Yell” in Barletta we talk about digital cultures on the beach and without barriers
Speak about digital culturesdo it in beach and be able to get the attention of those present as well under the southern sun: the ambitious goal of “Yell! – Digital culture & Lorem Ipsum” is confirmed to have been achieved also for its third editionwhich took place last weekend on the Pietro Mennea seafront Of Barletta.

It format

Yell! it is an opportunity for influencers, marketers, designers and the curious to experience two days dedicated to current themes related to digital challenges. Guests like Yari Brugnoni, Giorgia Soleri, Cristiano Carriero, Valentine Leroy, Jacopo Perfetti and Martina Migliore they took turns with workshop relating to TikTok, a Canva and to the still strong power of storytelling.

Puglia: a dream place and a place of dreams

A place of dreams and dreams that was chosen for Yell! The June 28th and 29th: a beach, the proximity to the sea and all the idea of which the latter has always been the bearer.

«The choice of the location comes from the desire to revive places that are not used as networking and training events on the topics of digital – has explained Francesca Pedico – the fact of being able to be in Puglia and to be able to enjoy the natural beauty of this area it seemed to be a turning point in the event, which puts everyone in a climate of net e exchange».

Contamination, networking and connections

Connecting everyone: one of Well’s prerogatives is precisely that of creating opportunity of discussion between the participants which can be transformed into opportunities, future collaborations and projects to be carried out.

«We believe that it is the exchange between people that creates added value on a professional level, but also and above all human – underlined Pedico – the fact of feeling close to the speakers, not being physically distant allows us to create relationships that go beyond the mere working context”.

Neuromarketing and customer needs: a word from Simona Ruffino

The two days were a succession of panels with guests and important topics: digital marketing, artificial intelligence, mental health, neuromarketing and purchasing choices. Precisely with regard to this last topic, the meeting with the neuromarketing expert and writer was of particular importance Simona Ruffino, who She spoke about humanistic capitalism in companies, empathy and ethics in marketing strategies.

«Nowadays it’s important maintain the relationship human through aspects such as culture, education, kindness within the company dynamics – he explained at the beginning of the speech – not to consider the company as a mere profit machine but to give importance to sharing and to the persona».

«Considering empathy and ethics as fundamental when building a marketing strategy: these are not values ​​that are taken for granted in Italian companies and communication agencies. There is a need to put ourselves in other people’s shoes more.connect with the potential customer, do not act out of habit or repetition, but with active listening and the need to understand the need that drives a person or a social category to make a specific purchasing choice. Many companies enter the field without “looking the consumer too much”.

Simona Ruffino declared herself totally in favour to the ethical use of social media which, especially in an era like the one we are living in, allow everyone to know and discover different events, news and points of view.

Work and life experiences

«My path begins completely in reverse – she continued – I started very young in multinational communication agencies, and then returned to Puglia for love and worked hard, even if underpaid, in an important communication agency for less than a year».

He subsequently decided to leave that job to open his own communications agency. The work was going swimmingly, but she wasn’t totally satisfied, despite the satisfaction of one of her main clients. Her destiny led her to meet the great neuromarketing expert Mariano Diotto, who opened her eyes during one of her speeches: not only responding to the entrepreneur’s requests, but working on the needs of the company’s customers. From here, her contacts with Mariano Diottohis studies and insights in the field of neuromarketing, up to working closely with him.

Simona Ruffino currently deals with large companies and important clients, each with their own history, their own way of doing things and their own habits, but with the desire to question themselves, to change and to recognize their own limits. She goes inside companies to live them, listen to them and improve them in person and not from his study, “through the papers”.
«Initially it was difficult being young and a woman – she admitted – I had to work on my authority».

“What do you think was the moment when you realized that the path was the right one?”, the journalist asked her Bianca Chiriatti.

“Most likely about two and a half years ago, when in the midst of the pandemic Hoepli called me, asking me to publish a book in their neuroscience series. And I, who am not a neuroscientist, understood that I was doing something good. Another moment was when I realized that by doing and spreading what I love on my Instagram profile I reached a large number of people, reaching more than 12.6 thousand followers, which for a subject like the one I deal with is a big number. But the greatest reward for me is when one of my followers lets me know that, thanks to something they read or heard on my profile, they were pushed to change and improve something in their life.”

(Re)starting from the South

Interviews followed with Francesco Brocca e Emilio Mola di CNC Media e Daily Five, a Luigi Nigro who revealed in his talk that “sleep is the second most intense pleasure in the world” and finally the interview with the influencer Georgia Soleriwho deals with digital activism and shared his experience with those present.

The word “share” perfectly summarizes the meaning of a two-day event that is configured as a point of (re)departure from the South to contaminate ideas.

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