“I’ll explain to you why and what to do”

“I’ll explain to you why and what to do”
“I’ll explain to you why and what to do”

«The job market has changed. And the needs of today’s young people are completely different from those of their peers in the 80s and 90s. It’s time for entrepreneurs to understand this.”

Francesca Lilla Parco, general secretary of Cgil Rimini, Corriere Romagna in hand piqued reply to the employers’ associations and several individual entrepreneurs who, yesterday, reported the shortage of staff despite the start of summer.

Lilla Parco, does this mean that there aren’t enough young people in Rimini?

“Yes, exactly. In Rimini we have had a consolidated decline for years. Just think that we have one young resident for every two elderly people. In short, the demographic winter, which is so much talked about, has become structural here.”

So these are useless alarms that have been raised by employers’ associations?

“Alarms are never useless, if they serve to solve the problem. And the problem is not solved by pointing the finger at this or that rule. In recent years, in fact, there has been a different “wolf, wolf” from season to season: first “all the fault of the elimination of vouchers”, which have now been reintroduced, then “all the fault of the citizen’s income”, which has now been cancelled, and in recent months we have even heard talk of difficulty in finding minors to hire as apprentices due to the study path that must be followed. In short, there is always a new one”.

And instead?

«And instead we should think more about the needs of the kids. To why. For example, in the last century young people were willing to work in the summer period even 12 hours a day and without rest, the so-called “season”, today these young people no longer exist. Twenty-year-olds are more aware of who they are and what they want. For them, free time is much more important than it once was. This is why it would be appropriate to start thinking about forms of part-time seasonal employment. However, with heavier paychecks.”

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