Brindisi: 5 cars on fire in the night

Brindisi: 5 cars on fire in the night
Brindisi: 5 cars on fire in the night

Two distinct episodes a few minutes apart from each other

Five cars were destroyed last night in two separate fires in the center of Brindisi. The episodes occurred within a short distance of each other. The first fire, the most singular, happened around 3 in the morning in via Belvedere, a road that connects via Lata to Corso Garibaldi, passing through Via De Flagilla. A car suddenly caught fire while it was moving. The driver, noticing the flames, managed to stop the vehicle and get out unharmed, but the car continued to move independently downhill. The vehicle, still on fire, arrived in via De Flagilla where it stopped next to two parked cars, spreading the flames and devastating both vehicles. Firefighters responded to the scene and worked to put out the fire and make the area safe. Almost at the same time, another fire broke out in via Alfredo Cappellini, another central area of ​​the city. In this case, a parked Volkswagen Golf was engulfed in flames. Here too, the flames quickly damaged another vehicle parked nearby. Also in this case, the firefighters intervened promptly and managed to put out the fire. The cause of the combustion is still to be clarified and it is not known whether there are links between the two episodes.

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