Poetry Festival 2024 — Pordenone Civic Library

Poetry Festival 2024 — Pordenone Civic Library
Poetry Festival 2024 — Pordenone Civic Library

Crosses the Slovenian border again this year Poetry Festival curated and promoted by the Pordenonelegge Foundation in collaboration with the autonomous region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and GO! 2025 Nova Gorica − Gorizia, and with the Municipality of Pordenone as part of the Summer in the city.

There are two meetings scheduled, and eleven poetic voices that will alternate in a festive turnover of verses without borders: let’s go Monday 1st July, at 9pm in Pordenonein the historic headquarters of Cloister of the Civic Librarywhere they will read their texts Beatrice Achille, Fabio Franzin, Sebastiano Gatto, Luigi Natale, Giacomo Vit and Julian Zhara.
The last year has been rich for poetry because, strange coincidence, many poets in our area have published their books, important moments of personal work on the word. We will then listen to them take us into their voices and their places, from which their language takes shape, from Friuli to Sardinia, from the Venetian hinterland to the lagoon.
Participation is free. In case of bad weather the event will be held in the Conference Room of the Civic Library, info tel 0434 392970.

The second meeting of the Poetry Festival 2024, “GO 25! Poets on the Border” is scheduled Friday, July 5, at 8 pm in Medana, Slovenia, at the Klinec wineryimmersed in the wonderful atmosphere of the Slovenian Collio, where five poetic voices of our time will be the protagonists: Jure Mavrič, Maruša Mugerli Lavrenčič, Michele Obit, Floriana Temperato and Andrea Tomasin.
An event organized in collaboration with Francesco Tomada, Ana Geršak (journalist, editor and cultural promoter) and the Alma Medana Art Gallery, designed as part of the initiatives linked to the important goal of Nova Gorica and Gorizia European Capital of Culture 2025.
It will be a special meeting between poets and poetics, a comparison of border experiences between Slovenia and Italy included in the GO! 2025 program that promotes the creative and cultural fabric of Friuli Venezia Giulia and enhances the cultural heritage of our Region.
Participation is also open to everyone, reservations are recommended at +38653959409 or by email ([email protected]).

T. Degan Conference Room

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