from Airc to Emergency, the treasure trove for non-profits to the big names in volunteering

from Airc to Emergency, the treasure trove for non-profits to the big names in volunteering
from Airc to Emergency, the treasure trove for non-profits to the big names in volunteering

A little treasure from over 189 million that of 5 per thousand in Lombardy. Few entities benefit from substantial figures, useful at least to give oxygen to the reality of volunteering. A constant, now, that emerges from the analysis of the data published byRevenue Agency regarding the choices that taxpayers make when filing their tax returns, allocating 5 per thousand, precisely, to non-profit organizations, such as volunteer associations, research centers, cultural organizations, Municipalities. Lombardy collects a significant share of all the Italian 5 per thousand, which amounts to a total of 522 million euros. The driving force is Milan, a city that, together with Rome, is home to associations that operate at a national level and which, therefore, collects the 5 per thousand allocated by taxpayers even from outside the province. Overall, the organizations that have their headquarters here, for 2023, collect over 152.5 million euros.

In first place, both at regional and national level, there is Airc Foundation, chosen by over 1.6 million taxpayers, which grosses more than 69 million euros. In the top 10 in Lombardy, there are all entities based in the capital (Emergency, European Institute of Oncology, Veronesi Foundation, Ircc Foundation National Cancer Instituteto name the first five places); in tenth place Como with Radio Maria Ets (more than 54 thousand choices, over 1.7 million euros).

Scrolling through the list, we see that the 5 per thousand rewards the “big” ones, while the smaller or local entities are probably penalized by excessive fragmentation. At the regional level, for example, 15 entities will collect more than 115 million euros in total, practically 60% of the total. There are 92 associations that will receive from 100 thousand euros up to one million (for a total of 24 million), while 5,600 entities (equal to approximately 40% of the entities admitted to receive the 5 per thousand) will receive less than 1,000 euros. Among these, 1,600 are even at zero euros.

Looking at the tipologia di entethose of the third sector and volunteer organizations dominate. Among the provinces, in Bergamo the most preferred is Cesvi, in Brescia the provincial Acli, in Como Radio Maria, in Cremona the Istituto ospedaliero di sospira onlus, in Lecco the Fabio Sassi association, in Lodi the Association for the defense of the dog, in Mantua the Casa del sole, in Monza the Maria Letizia Verga Committee, in Pavia the Fondazione Irccs Policlinico San Matteo, in Sondrio the Association for solidarity and international cooperation Don Guanella, in Varese Il ponte del sorriso.

Among the Municipalities almost everyone received something, for a total of almost 4 million. Milan is the one with the most generous taxpayers: 5 per thousand is worth over 420 thousand euros. Brescia follows with 58 thousand euros, Monza with 54 thousand, Bergamo with 48 thousand, Varese with 30 thousand. Also in the top 10 are Cernusco sul Naviglio, Sesto San Giovanni, Legnano, Sarezzo and Busto Arsizio.

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