Venice, Modolo retires after returning to Serie A: “End of a beautiful journey”

Venice, Modolo retires after returning to Serie A: “End of a beautiful journey”
Venice, Modolo retires after returning to Serie A: “End of a beautiful journey”


With a long message on its social channels, Marco Modolo announced his retirement from playing football, now there could always be a role for him in Veneziaeven if I have a different position: “We have reached the end of a beautiful journey that lasted a lifetime. Farewell to football is probably the most difficult day for a player, you hope it will never arrive, but then little by little you become aware that everything has a beginning and an end, and that sometimes the ending isn’t so bitter. I’ve asked myself many times in recent weeks: could there ever be a better time to stop playing than this? last June was the closing of a circle, I wanted it with all my being, not even in the most beautiful dreams, believe me, was there starting from Serie D and finishing in Serie A with the team to which I owe everything and with which I have my childhood dream of playing in Serie A came true.

I couldn’t have asked for more. It was a privilege to be part of it and an honor to have been its captain. I wanted to thank all the people who accompanied me along this beautiful journey, all the teams I had the honor to represent, all my teammates, it was a pleasure to share the locker room with each of you, the Presidents I had for the trust shown, all the coaches, technical staff, Directors, team managers, medical staff, storekeepers, gardeners, all the people who worked in the clubs, thanks to my agent Beppe Galli who has always been by my side in all these years supporting my every choice, finally thanks to all of you fantastic fans, for always supporting and following the team everywhere, and who especially in recent years have shown me unconditional love.

To my parents, my brothers and my grandparents, for all the sacrifices you made so that I could cultivate this dream since I was little, until accompanying me to fulfill it. To Benedetta for always supporting me, for being able to understand my moods and giving me the most precious things in the world during this wonderful journey, Tommaso and Camilla. To all of you I say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart”.

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