Lilla, managers chosen. The dream remains the D series

Lilla, managers chosen. The dream remains the D series
Lilla, managers chosen. The dream remains the D series

A new organizational chart for Legnano Calcio, which has approved the establishment of the new board of directors of the club. Giulio Benedetto, brother of Enea, arrives, appointed vice president with responsibility for the general management of the club, while Claudio Federico becomes general secretary with responsibility for relations with the FIGC and the LND. The latter is Emiliano Montanari’s man, who arrived with the former president in Legnano and has remained even more so today after the farewell of secretary Lino Bonsignore, who moved to Caronnese. The club welcomed the new purple managers with the hope that their contribution can support the project of president Enea Benedetto (in the photo) and lawyer Giuseppe Pipitone, who was ratified in the role of director of legal and institutional affairs.

The new board of directors has begun the process of selecting and training the technical and managerial staff with the immediate objective of fulfilling all federal obligations for the registration of the first team in the Eccellenza championship, confirming that, should the Federal Prosecutor’s Office decide to readmit AC Legnano to Serie D, “the purples will be ready to participate in the Interregional championship”. Benedetto’s shares are still seized by the investigating judge of Alessandria who is investigating the former patron of the grays, now the banned president of Legnano football club. A dramatic situation for the purples that could be unblocked by July 10, the date by which the club must register in Eccellenza. “For Ac Legnano we could think about resorting to a loan that converts into shares of the club, as soon as they are released, in order to have the resources necessary to close the pending issues inherited from past seasons and have a budget estimate for the season that has just begun” explained Enea Benedetto. For now, however, everything is at a standstill and the real risk is that next year in Legnano there will be no football. In the meantime, the company has scheduled a call with the Municipality of Legnano for today for the management of the Mari field, which does not appear at all to be a given at the moment.

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