Work on Via Vandelli with contributions from Fai

Work on Via Vandelli with contributions from Fai
Work on Via Vandelli with contributions from Fai

For the thousands of hikers who are rediscovering the environmental beauty of the historic Via Vandelli, the first works of marking out signs and installing the characteristic red and white signs of the Italian Alpine Club have begun. The path from Modena crosses Pievepelago and Pavullo and then reaches Massa Carrara, involving 21 municipalities. The intervention, which also includes the positioning of tourist/cultural information panels, is made possible thanks to the contribution of 18 thousand euros made available by FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano and Intesa Sanpaolo as part of the “I Luoghi del Cuore” Campaign, with co-financing of 5,500 euros from the Municipalities of Modena, Sassuolo, Pavullo, Formigine, Maranello and Unione Terre di Castelli, with the support of the Province of Modena. The actions are coordinated by the Via Vandelli APS Association, which presented the overall project and then obtained the contribution, with the operational support of the CAI sections of Modena, Massa, Pavullo, Sassuolo, Castelnuovo Garfagnana and Carpi, and the collaboration of the FAI Delegations of Modena and Lucca, which together with the municipalities collaborated in collecting over 26 thousand votes during the census of “I Luoghi del Cuore”, testifying to the historical-cultural importance for the territory of this extraordinary eighteenth-century road infrastructure and the growing success of the hiking route in the national panorama of walks.

Federica Armiraglio, responsible for the Fai campaign, comments: “Via Vandelli has struck and fascinated us since we discovered it thanks to the census, which brings us into contact with extraordinary places, of great historical and landscape importance, but of which knowledge has been lost over time. We therefore hope that the support of the Fai offers, in addition to the enhancement activity, also a contribution of notoriety and even more of awareness, leading the territory crossed and united by Via Vandelli to recognize itself as a historical unit, increasingly pushing the many municipalities to unite to proudly promote the value of this heritage”. gp

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