Taranto weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 30 June

Taranto weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 30 June
Taranto weather, the forecast for tomorrow Sunday 30 June

Sunday 30 June in Taranto promises to be a day characterized by stable and sunny weather conditions. The forecast indicate clear skies for the entire day, with 0% cloud cover. Temperatures will remain high, with values ​​reaching +33.3°C in the early afternoon.

In the early hours of the morning, the temperature will be around +25°C, with a light breeze coming from the North – North West. As the day progresses, the thermometer will rise steadily, exceeding +30°C already in the morning. In the early afternoon, +33°C could be reached, with a lively breeze blowing from the South – South East.

During the afternoon, temperatures will remain high, with values ​​around +30°C. The wind, always coming from the South, will be moderate, with gusts that can reach 23.9km/h. The relative humidity of the air will increase slightly during the day, reaching around 45%.

In the evening, temperatures will drop slightly, but will remain pleasant, around +27°C. The wind will lose intensity, coming from the North – North West with a speed of about 6.8km/h. The relative humidity of the air will be around 53%, ensuring a pleasant and cool evening.

In conclusion, the forecast for Sunday 30 June in Taranto they predict a summer day with clear skies and high temperatures. It is advisable to protect yourself adequately from the sun and maintain adequate hydration. For the next few days, stable and sunny weather conditions are expected to remain, with temperatures that will remain at summer values.

All weather data for Sunday 30 June in Taranto

Complete weather forecast for Taranto

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