«Miss Italia? For this year the chapter remains closed»

«Miss Italia? For this year the chapter remains closed»
«Miss Italia? For this year the chapter remains closed»

The mayor of Salso Luca Musile Tanzi has no doubts about the opportunity to exercise the right of pre-emption for the acquisition of the former convent building: “In our opinion it is a building to be protected and, therefore, we have decided to exercise the right of pre-emption. When we have the assignment of the building – the mayor emphasizes – we will also illustrate the projects that concern it. Important projects”.

At the beginning of summer, positive news arrives from the municipality of Salso regarding the nursery.

But disappointing about Miss Italia: «We have the pre-emption right to host the beauty contest that had already returned to Salso last year. But the economic requests that were presented to us are high: 150 thousand euros of contribution plus another 100 thousand euros for free, costs that we are not able to sustain today and that have led us to decline the offer. So, if there are no changes, I fear that this year Miss Italia will not be in Salso». Closed chapter? We’ll see.

Returning to the nurseries “first of all – says Musile Tanzi – we decided to set up a new section in September, for an additional 14 places, albeit with a reduced time. We are confident of finding the economic resources to meet the numerous requests received this year; in addition to this we will have a further expansion of the current nursery, for 30 places, thanks to the fact that we managed to enter the ranking at the ministry for the allocation of the residual funds of the Pnrr and, thus, we obtained financing for 720 thousand euros that will allow us, by entrusting the work by October 31, to start with this project “.

“Furthermore – the mayor points out – we have decided to try to participate in other residual funds from the Pnrr for the construction of a new nursery school, with 84 places, costing around 2 million euros”.

“For this project, however, there is still a problem: since the funds are residual, we will have to see if the other municipalities ahead of us will give up. This would allow us to build a modern, functional school, with the new energy and anti-seismic parameters, compared to the current structures in Salso, which are very dated, in fact they date from the early 1900s to the 1960s”.

Egidio Bandini

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