Terni: entrepreneur attacked and killed. The hypothesis is aggravated voluntary homicide

Terni: entrepreneur attacked and killed. The hypothesis is aggravated voluntary homicide
Terni: entrepreneur attacked and killed. The hypothesis is aggravated voluntary homicide

29 Jun 2024 02:12

Voluntary homicide aggravated by trivial reasons: this is the crime hypothesis formulated in investigations opened by the Terni prosecutor’s office – the prosecutor in charge is Marco Stramaglia – against Osiel Mancha Pereira, the 47-year-old of Cuban origins who, according to the investigative findings of the carabinieri, the on the evening of last February 16th he stabbed the 40-year-old entrepreneur Luca Bruschini, who died on Wednesday – after more than four months of agony – in Terni hospital.

The autopsy on the body of the owner of Ternicolor, a company on Via Natta run together with his father Claudio, will be performed by Dr. Valentina Rosati who will be formally assigned the task by the judicial authorities on the morning of Tuesday, July 2. The examination should be performed between the same day and the following day, probably at the Usl2 hospital in Foligno. After which, the body of the entrepreneur originally from Spoleto will almost certainly be made available to the family for the subsequent funeral rite.

The parties – Luca Bruschini’s family members assisted by the lawyer Attilio Biancifiori and the defenders of Osiel Mancha Pereira, the lawyers Luca Ragonesi and Marco Valerio Mazzatosta of the Viterbo Bar – will decide over the next few hours whether or not to appoint a consultant to closely follow the autopsy examination. The 47-year-old originally from Cuba is confined in the Terni prison, where the lawyer Ragonesi joined him on Friday to formally communicate the news of Bruschini’s passing. An element which, naturally, led to the modification of the charge, which went from attempted murder to aggravated voluntary manslaughter.


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