Fonte Vetica, environmental restoration underway – L’Aquila

Fonte Vetica, environmental restoration underway – L’Aquila
Fonte Vetica, environmental restoration underway – L’Aquila

THE EAGLE. The Gran Sasso Laga Park has contracted the environmental restoration works in the Fonte Vetica area, in the Campo Imperatore plain. The intervention became necessary after the disastrous fire that hit the area in August 2017, when 330 hectares of vegetation were destroyed, with damages of over one million euros. The company Ecolforest Agroforestale of Volturara Appula, in the province of Foggia, was awarded the negotiated procedure, with a reduction of 35 percent and an amount of over 220 thousand euros, of which 11 thousand for safety costs, plus VAT. The works are part of the “National program to increase the resilience of natural and semi-natural forest systems, through the structural and functional recovery and restoration of ecosystems and the functionality of their services through actions consistent with the protection and conservation of biodiversity (flora, fauna, vegetation and natural and rural landscape) in the protected areas affected by the fire”. The fire broke out during the traditional sheep fair, at lunchtime: the flames broke out from a barbecue lit to cook meat, in the middle of a protected area, and reached the Pescara side, towards Rigopiano. Grasslands and trees were destroyed, causing extensive damage to the ecosystem. The fire was only put out after days, with the use of 2 Canadair and 2 helicopters. The investigations led to the identification of 14 people and 4 were sent to trial. On February 21st, the Court of L’Aquila sentenced three of the four defendants at first instance to one year and 4 months in prison, with a suspended sentence. (r.s.)

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