Municipality, three councils set for the first 15 days of July – Teramo

Municipality, three councils set for the first 15 days of July – Teramo
Municipality, three councils set for the first 15 days of July – Teramo

TERAMO. A particularly heated meeting of the group leaders yesterday afternoon. The meeting, aimed at establishing the dates of the next municipal councils, saw moments of tension due to the presence of Michele Raiola (as delegated by my colleague Debora Fantozzi) for the Teramo Vive group. His participation was contested by some members of the opposition and in particular by the Forza Italia member Mario Cozzi who pointed out with some vehemence how Raiola in recent days was expelled from Teramo Vive and therefore not entitled to chair the meetings on behalf of that group. By the majority and by the prime minister Alberto Melarangelo it was explained that expulsion is not provided for by the municipal regulations and therefore Raiola could attend. Tempers flared and calm was restored with difficulty. The work was suspended, then Cozzi decided to abandon the meeting which however resumed. At the end, President Melarangelo declared: «Even though we had to briefly suspend the session for having recorded attitudes not in keeping with the institution represented, three municipal councils have been set for the moment: two ordinary and one related to questions, on 3, 9 and 15 July, and at least one more is planned within the month. In these sessions, numerous topics will be addressed, in addition to that of the surrogates of the councilors who replace the new assessors, including the relegation of building land, which determines a lower cost for taxpayers; in the next council, the Pef of the Tari will be approved which provides for a different taxation for waste. Furthermore, once the documents have been completed, the settlement agreement relating to the Bonolis stadium will also be discussed. The council for questions that was not held in the month of June, as per the monthly regulation, will be recovered in the month of August”.(v.m.)

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