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At the Blues Festival 300 people from the world. “We are waiting for you for the magic”

Il dance and local activities combination confirms itself as a winner once again and repeats itself for the third time in Good Time Blues Festival, which returns again after the first 2022 test edition and the 2023 confirmation edition of an international event. And this year too it will be like this again: from 10 to 15 July 300 people will arrive in Guglionesi,” of which at least 30 from Asia and then from Australia, from America and also from Europe, 60 percent of the participants are foreigners and they will stay in the village, thanks to the collaboration of the people of Guglionesi who have made their homes available for the six days of the festival“.

This festival – he began Adamo Ciarallo, dancer and long-time teacher, artistic director and organizer – was created to convey important values: everyone can dance, because diversity is beautiful and everyone can get on the dance floor and have fun, people of all ages, from all over the world and we celebrate diversity.”

It started as a bet, to launch a festival dedicated to blues dance, and it turned out to be successful, it has grown over time and now includes in its rich calendar collaborations, support, significant participation and a rich calendar of events. We will leave Wednesday 10 July with the opening evening in the historic center of Guglionesi and will continue until Monday 15th, every day there will be blues lessons with teachers and experts and laboratory activities in the afternoon which were very successful last year and will be repeated. “Traditional activities allow guests to be connected to the territory, to bring them closer to our culture, to get to know the area and to discover everything we have: for this reason the wine tasting workshop, with particular attention to Tintiliaand then the one dedicated toextra virgin oil to recognize the organoleptic qualitiesand then again bobbin embroidery thanks to the precious collaboration of the women who know this tradition and then again that of pasta, bread and popular dances”, explained Giulia De Felice during the press conference presented in the Di Biase winery in Guglionesi.

“This year – added Adamo Ciarallo – We collaborate with Italiangas who supports us and sustains us in the initiative, we thank them for believing in us”. Representing it were the CEO Lorenza De Marinis and the marketing manager Sara Berardozzi who underlined that they chose to support the festival for the good of the territory and the love towards the land of origingiven the economic impact and not only on Guglionesi and Molise.

“This event is stratospheric – Adamo defined it – for a town like Guglionesi, which is becoming famous all over the world, for this reason we invite anyone who wants to collaborate with us to contact us, to propose ideas to realize together for the festival and for the territory. I want to thank Italiangas, the staff who have been working for months, the Municipal Administration, the Di Biase winery that also hosted us for the conference and where we will return for dinner on Sunday 14 July, thanks to all those who help us. We invite you to participate, to come to Guglionesi e to experience the magic, to get involved. “It is not just a dance event – ​​added Michele D’Anselmo, administrative manager – it is above all a meeting with the local community and thanks to the collaboration with local activities, this event is a unique experiment”.

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