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“Tari increase: the Municipality’s fault”

We received a note from the municipal councilors of Fratelli d’Italia, Giampaolo Vietri and Tiziana Toscano about Tari

The cost of waste management in Taranto rises to 50 million euros, thus increasing by as much as 5 million. A cost due to the failure of separate waste collection which, based on the latest data published on the regional observatory, instead of growing loses 5 percentage points, resulting in an increase in the Tari that Taranto families will have to bear. The municipal administration, despite this, minimizes these costs and the increases that families will receive by not even analyzing them in relation to the management objectives that have obviously failed in terms of waste despite recent investments and in relation to efficiency, or rather inefficiency, of the service. We are even more concerned about the inertia of the municipal administration which does not work to reorganize the current waste collection system overall, because without strategic actions and appropriate corrective mechanisms these costs can never be reduced. Costs of millions of euros paid by the people of Taranto for an extremely poor service with broken bins and often emptied late as well as dirty and smelly streets. This situation which has a negative impact on citizens is the result of the incompetence of the Melucci administration which approved a waste separation plan which, instead of raising the level of quality of life in the city, only produced an increase in costs and a worsening of the collection service provided. in the face of skyrocketing waste taxes. We in the opposition had warned the administration about the critical issues that would emerge from the adoption of this waste separation plan which was approved anyway. Today these higher costs should be paid not by the citizens of Taranto but by the mayor and his councilors, including those of the Democratic Party who together with Melucci have so far administered the city, given that without hearing reason they approved the waste separation plan and even boasted about it. Waste separation plan which is among the most unsuccessful measures that the city of Taranto has ever seen.”

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