Ostia-Fiumicino traffic, I share Maurizio Ferreri’s ideas

Ostia-Fiumicino traffic, I share Maurizio Ferreri’s ideas
Ostia-Fiumicino traffic, I share Maurizio Ferreri’s ideas

“The eyesore, as it is now being described, must not be done!”

Very interesting l‘interview given to Fiumicino Online by Maurizio Ferreri (Click here), in the past council group leader of Democrazia Solidale.

In his interview, the reasons why the bridge designed many years ago to connect Ostia to Fiumicino are clearly explained, the eco-monster, as it is now pointed out, must not be done. In truth it seemed that the danger of building this enormous structure, which solves nothing, had been averted, also as a consequence of negative opinions from some important bodies, such as the Fine Arts, the State Coast Reserve, the Land Reclamation Consortium and above all the judgement of many citizens, through the numerous Associations.

This flashback is inexplicable. Aside from technical considerations: a bridge 18 meters high because the sailboats had to pass while the current Della Scafa bridge remains standing which, according to ANAS, is in excellent health. But can you imagine this enormous concrete pour that will break the uniqueness of the Archaeological Park, which still hides who knows how many wonders.

In conclusion, let’s let the bridge be built, but as Maurizio Ferreri says to Dragona.

Letter sent by: Domenico P.
Send your letter to: [email protected]

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