Sanremo 2025, two big news for the youth section: what changes

Sanremo 2025, two big news for the youth section: what changes
Sanremo 2025, two big news for the youth section: what changes

News coming for Sanremo 2025, this time it concerns the young section, how will it be organized? The first details about it are emerging, let’s find out together.

Sanremo 2025 will air from 4 to 8 February and viewers are already in trepidation. Many new features will enrich the Festival starting from the management. After Amadeus’ decision, the confirmation of Carlo ContiThe latter returns to the Ariston with commitment and great determination.

Inevitably this change will bring many new features. Will Conti be able to maintain the high level achieved by Amadeus in the last five years? Before making his name official, there were many hosts in the running. In the end, however, the one who, in recent years, has done for the Festival was chosen, an excellent job.

Sanremo 2025: the new regulation for the youth section

Among the new features planned for Sanremo 2025, the closing time of each episode. Carlo Conti has declared that one of his interests is not to end every evening at 2.00. Will he succeed in his aim? The scheduled lineup is always full of things, between performances, guests and iconic skits, the Sanremo week requires the public to have a few hours of missed sleep. Another novelty concerns the return of Sanremo Youth. In recent years, Amadeus had opted for a merger between the two categories, while Conti opted for the old organization. Wanting to focus on the youth section, the first ones popped up details. One concerns the age of the participants, which will be lowered this year the average agethe competing singers can participate from 16 years and over. The second novelty concerns the performances of the various protagonists. These will perform in the section new proposals and they will sing the song chosen for Sanremo Youth. Which of the artists will stand out more than the others? There are still many curiosities about this new Festival. Fans can’t wait to find out which one co-host will support Carlo Conti and who among the big names will be able to conquer the first position.

Sanremo 2025, Carlo Conti and the news on the youth section. What will change

Amadeus in recent years it has created a Sanremo exceptional. The numbers and public feedback were proof of this. This will certainly fuel tensions and worries in Carlo. The expectations of the viewers are very highit must be said that Conti has already been the director of the Festival and will certainly know how to play his part winning cards. The broadcast is still far away but as is now known, people have been talking about the Festival long before. Every week, salient news will emerge, the protagonists of the various chatter media. between comparisons and evaluations, the public is ready to discover all the choices of the new artistic director. We are sure that this year too Conti, as in previous years, will be able to do a good job. Professionalism and talent, they have always been part of his professional approach.

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