Friuli Venezia Giulia to be experienced all year round: the Pedemontana FVG3 cycle path

Friuli Venezia Giulia to be experienced all year round: the Pedemontana FVG3 cycle path
Friuli Venezia Giulia to be experienced all year round: the Pedemontana FVG3 cycle path

Il Friuli Venezia Giulia it is a reason to experience and discover all year round. and 360 degrees. Today we will discuss a rapidly expanding sector among the passions of Italians and beyond: the cycle tourism. In Friuli Venezia Giulia you can cycle in the mountains, hills, plains: from the Alps to the sea passing through hills and plains. The proposals for lovers of bicycle tourism there are so many and for all tastes and levels of experience (at this link some of the most beautiful itineraries).

In particular, in this article we will describe thethe Pedemontana cycle path of Friuli Venezia Giulia awarded on 1 June 2024 with theItalian Cycle Tourism Oscar. This is an award that is awarded every year to those cycle routes that meet precise parameters and requirements that are evaluated in their entirety: design, construction, promotion, sustainability, intermodal connections, compliance with the needs of the cycle tourist in terms of mileage, mapping and gpx tracking. The jury selected the winners among the 25 proposals submitted by regions, territories and autonomous provinces.

The Pedemontana FVG3 cycle route develops from Sacile, on the border with Veneto, in Goriziawhich borders Slovenia. This is a cycle path “green” e “gourmand” for the many Slow Food presidia and the wine variety found here: the renowned white and red wines produced in the DOC areas of Friuli-Grave, Colli Orientali del Friuli, Friuli-Isonzo and Collio. In addition, there are many artistic, historical and artisanal emergencies that distinguish the towns crossed.

The journey is long 180 km and is developed on cycle paths and secondary roads with a mainly asphalted surface, on flat and hilly sections the average gradients are less than 2%. It is therefore a cycle path suitable for all types of cyclists.

THE ITINERARY – The cyclist who travels along this cycle route will immediately realize that he will often be immersed in the varied nature, between the whiteness of the Magredi, the green of the woods and meadows and the blue of the waters of rivers and lakes alternating with small villages where he can stop for refreshment and admire the valuable minor artistic expressions. Among the important locations worth mentioning that correspond to the stages are:

Sacilewhich earned the title of “Garden of the Serenissima” for its Venetian architecture and the abundance of water in the Livenza river with waterfalls and mills.

Maniagoa town known for the tradition of cutlers which can be discovered inside the museum of blacksmithing and cutlery art.

Gemona of the Friuli Città dello Sport, medieval village with the cathedral and the castle gardens from which you can enjoy a breathtaking view of the Tagliamento river and the Friulian plain; he is immersed in contemporary architecture and Street Art.

Cividale del Friuli, seat of the first Lombard duchy in Italy and now part of the UNESCO itinerary “The Lombards in Italy. The places of power (568-744 AD)” dedicated to the Lombard legacy in Italy.

Goriziaa border city that in 2025 will host numerous events within “GO!2025 Nova Gorica and Gorizia European Capital of Culture”, with a Central European charm that can be felt while walking along the avenues admiring the buildings and tasting typical dishes.

Along the way you pass through other villages such as Pinzano al Tagliamento, Forgaria nel Friuli with the splendid lake in the Cornino nature reserve, Artegna with the Savorgnan castle, Tarcento with the splendid early twentieth century villas along the Torre river and Cormons with architecture and cuisine that revive the Habsburg presence until the last century and the special conservation area of ​​Preval.

Along this cycle path you will find one of the most beautiful villages in Italy: Travesio’s Top (characterized by the remains of the castle, the presence of two historical rural centers and the sixteenth-century villa Toppo-Wassermann). A short distance from the cycle path there are other villages listed among the most beautiful in Italy such as Polcenigo, Poffabro, Venzone and Gradisca d’Isonzo. Cycling along the Pedemontana FVG3 cycle path you will encounter other cycle paths: for example, in Gemona del Friuli you will cross the Alpe Adria FVG1 cycle path.

SERVICES – The services and the intermodal transport network are indicated on the site and in the map “By bike on the Pedemontana cycle path” (published by PromoTurismoFVG in collaboration with Casa Editrice Tabacco and on sale for €2.00 at Infopoints). Drinking water fountains are available along the route, present in many of the locations crossed, bicigrill in Cavasso Nuovo, mechanical assistance in various locations crossed, bikes in the main locations, columns for e-bike charging in various locations.

The intermodal bike+train transport network (Sacile-Maniago, Gemona/Artegna/Tarcento/Cividale del Friuli/Cormons-Udine, Cormons/Gorizia-Trieste) and two bike+buses active in the summer months: one between Maniago and Gemona del Friuli with stops also in Pinzano del Friuli, Osoppo, San Daniele del Friuli and Gemona del Friuli and the other between Gorizia-Cormons-Grado.

All that remains is to wish you well good road!

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