The Po rises again due to the storms in Piedmont

The consequences of the violent storms that hit Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta have also been seen in our territories with the Great River that has gained, in the last hours, in the Parma and Cremona river area about a meter and a half of water. There are no particular risks but the growth is precisely due to the water arriving from Piedmont and Lake Maggiore that in these days poured over 800 cubic meters per second.

It should be noted, as confirmed and underlined by the inhabitants of the river lands themselves, that from memory one cannot recall such long periods with hydrometric levels always above zero (which had not been touched for some years, while now it is always at higher levels). Even the flow of the Po has never fallen below two thousand cubic meters per second: a completely unusual situation and therefore a fact to be ascribed to history.

Speaking of the river, for exactly two weeks there has been no news of Aldino Zecca, the 77-year-old pensioner from Zibello who on June 19 embarked on his canoe, a passion he had practiced for years. His searches continue along the entire course of the river and anyone who notices something is obviously asked to contact the police immediately. Finally, in the lower part of the river as in the rest of the Parma area, bad weather has unfortunately returned and temperatures have dropped significantly.

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