Siulcc Brescia, Davide D’Aquila elected territorial general secretary

Siulcc Brescia, Davide D’Aquila elected territorial general secretary
Siulcc Brescia, Davide D’Aquila elected territorial general secretary

Davide D’Aquila he was elected territorial general secretary of the Siulcc (United Italian Carabinieri Workers’ Union).

General Secretary of Siulcc of Brescia Davide D’Aquila

He entered the Chiari Carabinieri station in July 2010 and remained there for almost 14 years as commander. Lieutenant of the Carabinieri, in 2010 he assumed the position of commander of the Carabinieri station of Chiari and Pontoglio. He has a lot of experience in the area and, more generally, in the field. Between the years 2015 and 2016 he was also in the NATO Mission in Kosovo as a team commander. A modest person, always kind and present, attentive in his work, knowledgeable about the area and its dynamics, but also very human. Furthermore, D’Aquila also boasts numerous certificates of merit, including a solemn commendation from the General Command of the Carabinieri for having saved, outside of duty hours, an elderly man during a fire that broke out in his own condominium. in Chiari (in 2017), promptly activating rescue services for all the other people involved.

The Secretariat of the Siulcc of Brescia has been established

As part of the Siulcc conference activity which touched Calabria, Sicily, the Training Institute at the Student School of Reggio Calabria, Trentino Alto Adige and Campania, it was the turn of Lombardy. The first territorial congress was held in Brescia during which the Brescia Secretariat was established.

They were elected for the province of Brescia David D’Aquila, Territorial General Secretary, Maurizio Concilio And Ruben AncientTerritorial Deputy General Secretary, Domenico Gallizzi, Territorial Councilor. The elected leaders will lead the SIULCC in the province of Brescia for the next four years.

“The birth of the peripheral structures of our union represents an important turning point – he underlined Sebastiano Calabrò SIULCC General Secretary present at the works – and will allow liaison activities with the base in order to verify their needs and carry out targeted actions to improve the working conditions of all CARABINIERI/workers. Our union, among the youngest in the representative trade union panorama established following the enactment of Law 46/2022 and placed in the number one position on the Ministry of Defense register, aims to address important challenges: with improvement proposals in all sectors to be identified during the current work for the contractual renewal”.

Finally, the General Secretary wishes Davide D’Aquila, newly elected Territorial General Secretary of Brescia, a good job.

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