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“Italian economy grows more than other EU countries”

“Italian economy grows more than other EU countries”
“Italian economy grows more than other EU countries”

“Il Our goal is to build a Europe where it is convenient to invest and do business. And this also means abandoning the logic of hyper-regulation that, in recent years, has turned the regulatory framework into a bureaucratic and administrative jungle and has ended up limiting, rather than promoting, the competitiveness of our businesses”. He says the President of the Council, Giorgia Meloniin a passage of his message to the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Insurance Companies.

“It is a decisive challenge, but one that is within our reach and that we can win if we continue to play as a team and work together to defend our national interests,” explains the Prime Minister.

“The Italian economy – continues Meloni – is growing more than other European nations, despite the slowdown of the world economy and the delicate international situation. National macroeconomic data are positive and the trend of some indicators, from employment growth to the increase in investments, represent important signs of confidence in the future of our economy”.

“The government – the prime minister assures – is determined to valorize these signals, and to give them continuity. We intend to do so with the same vision that has guided our action in this year and a half, and that has demonstrated to obtain significant results: it is not the State that creates wealth and employment, it is up to businesses and their workers to do so, but it is the State’s task to build the most favorable environment possible for those who do business”.

“This – he recalls – is the approach that has inspired, so far, the government’s work and that has found concrete expression in the many measures approved. I am referring, for example, to the decision to enhance the contribution of insurance companies in managing damage from natural disasters and the consequent redesign of the framework for supporting and protecting businesses and citizens. This is the path that we intend to continue to follow in the future, also at a European level”.

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