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Downpours in Benevento, damage to the Feast of Our Lady of Grace

Downpours in Benevento, damage to the Feast of Our Lady of Grace
Downpours in Benevento, damage to the Feast of Our Lady of Grace

A strong wave of bad weather also hit Benevento where the city center and suburbs were hit. The gusts of rain and wind, which lasted a few minutes, caused damage to stalls and tents, set up for the Feast of the Madonna delle Grazie. Problems also for street vendors who, in via Posillipo and via Torre delle Catene saw tents and merchandise on display destroyed.

There were many interventions by the firefighters on site who tried to minimize the damage caused by the bad weather. Interventions also in Valle Telesina and Valle Vitulanese. In Torrecuso a tree fell on the road hitting a car in transit. Fortunately, the passengers were unharmed.

Weather alert in Campania

Sudden and intense thunderstorms from 10 am to 10 pm on July 2, throughout Campania: the Civil Protection of the Region, in consideration of the evaluations of the Functional Center, has issued a weather alert with consequent Yellow criticality for hydrogeological risk.

Thunderstorms will be characterized by forecast uncertainty and may be sudden and intense. Hailstorms, gusts of wind and lightning are also possible.

Attention must be paid to the hydrogeological risk: among the main consequences of the impact of rain and storms on the ground, flooding, rising water levels of watercourses, water flow on roads, runoff with transport…
City parks will be closed. The north pier of Bagnoli will also be closed and access to the city’s public beaches will be prohibited.

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PREV Pnrr interventions, technical control room meeting – Municipality of Benevento
NEXT Corruption at the Municipality of Caserta, Review releases manager and entrepreneur