University of Verona, new courses starting for an expanding university

University of Verona, new courses starting for an expanding university
University of Verona, new courses starting for an expanding university

Why choose the University of Verona? The answer is simple: to acquire new knowledge and skills, which translate into quality job opportunities and the possibility of choosing the job of your dreams.

It is not just a job with adequate remuneration that the young generations seek at the end of their higher education path – a goal that 90 percent of graduates from the University of Verona achieve, according to Almalaurea – but the job for which they were trained, which responds to their inclinations, and therefore a satisfying professional life.

All this in a university that is attentive to the needs of its students, willing to listen to their requests, committed to expanding the right to study, promoting policies of inclusion and gender equity, attentive to social and environmental sustainability.

“The University of Verona, in these four years of my mandate”, explains the Magnificent Rector Pier Francesco Nocini, “has broadened its training horizons. It has done so by taking into account the requests of almost 29 thousand students and by paying great attention to the needs of high-level training profiles needed in the various work environments, at a national and territorial level”.

The new training offer was presented on Tuesday 2nd July by Federico Schena, Delegate for Education and Sport, Happy Gambin, delegate for internationalization, Massimiliano Badino, Orientation referent, Claudio Valente, President Esu Verona, and Adrian Nircastudent representative on the board of directors.

For the 2024/2025 academic year, future students will be able to choose between 12 new degree courses starting from Intelligent Systems Engineering, Medicine and Surgery with a technological focus, Supply chain management, Promotion and Management of Territorial Heritage and Tourist Destinations, Data Science, Osteopathy, Hearing aid techniques, in addition to the inter-university courses in Bioengineering for personalized medicine (with the universities of Trento and Modena-Reggio Emilia – administrative headquarters in Trento), Bioengineering for innovation in medicine (inter-university with the universities of Trento and Modena-Reggio Emilia – administrative headquarters Modena-Reggio Emilia), Biomedical laboratory techniques (inter-university with the University of Trento, Trento teaching location), Medical radiology, imaging and radiotherapy techniques (inter-university with the University of Trento, Trento teaching location), Motor Sciences, Sport and Wellbeing (inter-university with the University of Trento – administrative headquarters in Trento). The process of the new courses is being completed.

The growth of the training offer, which from 2019/20 to 2024/25, it has been expanded with 31 new degree courses, It is part of the plan desired by the University of Verona, to which the entire university community, professors and technical-administrative staff have dedicated themselves.

“The expansion of the university’s educational offering – he adds Federico Schena, delegate of the rector for Teaching – is the result of a strategic vision based on three fundamental pillars: the introduction of new disciplinary and training areas, teaching areas previously absent in Verona but in which the university already boasts significant scientific expertise; the strengthening and enhancement of investments in “historical” and consolidated areas of training and research; the creation of strategic agreements with neighboring universities, in particular with Modena-Reggio Emilia and Trento, with which we have created synergies for the creation of numerous inter-university training courses”.

This led to a overall increase of 30% in registered members, who have chosen Verona for their studies, girls and boys who have acquired the right knowledge and skills to enter the world of work.

The data confirm this recent Almalaurea survey according to which the80,4% of thegraduates from the University of Verona work within one year of graduating, more than the national average of 74.1% and the regional average of 78.3%. The figure increases for second level graduates with an employment rate equal to all’81,5% after a year that comes to the 90,1% five years after graduation.

The University of Verona’s offer is also enriched by numerous courses post laureamthat include 29 masters, 31 professional development and refresher courses and 9 continuing education courses.

“I am particularly proud of the appreciation of our graduates for the overall experience at Univr, with 90.3% rating it as satisfactory,” concludes the rector. Nocini. “The period of university studies is a very demanding period of life, for students and the families who support them to guarantee them the best possible future. It is our duty to guarantee these girls and boys not only quality training courses in line with the needs of the world of work but also a high quality of university life”.

In fact, students enrolled at the University of Verona can enjoy several advantages that allow them to experience the university environment with greater serenity. From the current academic year, the university has expanded the no tax area bringing it from 22 thousand to 27 thousand euros: this has allowed, at present, approximately 8 thousand students to attend the academic year without university fees.

The university has always been committed to implementing work-life balance policies and a better organizational culture. More specifically, the university’s goal is to reduce the gender gap that affects various work sectors and fields of study, especially Stem subjects. And then there is the focus on sustainability, the accommodation and catering services managed from ESU, the institution for the right to university education in Veronaat competitive prices, and spaces to study: from classrooms to libraries open 7 days a week.

Thanks to the university’s policies to protect the rights of students with specific learning disabilities, university enrollments of students with DSA are increasing more and more.. Based on Miur data, 35.4 percent of them opted for the scientific area, 33.2 for the social area, 20.8 percent for the humanities, and 10 percent for the health area. Through targeted learning strategies, and the use of adequate compensatory tools or in some cases dispensatory measures, these students have the opportunity to attend and successfully complete an academic path, seeing their abilities and aspirations recognized.

This is made possible by the work of the inclusion and accessibility office, which welcomes and supports students with disabilities and learning disabilities throughout their educational journey, from enrollment to graduation.

The university has modified the teaching regulations, with a view to promoting support activities for students, with particular attention to individual conditions in the initial preparation, and to the verification and consolidation of the knowledge necessary for entry to the study paths of interest and counseling services and activities specifically aimed at the most prepared and motivated students.

Great attention has always been paid to international mobility program. For the 2023/24 academic year, the university has seen the mobility of 716 students who have spent a period of study abroad, thanks to the Erasmus project. Data that has continued to grow: for the next academic year 2024/25, there are 868 assignments, with a very significant increase: more than 21% in just one year. Driving international mobility, in addition to Erasmus, are programs such as Worldwide, which allows around 60 students to spend a semester studying outside Europe, in more than 40 partner universities of the university spread across the United States and South America, Asia, Africa and Australia. In addition to these, there are also various international cooperation projects.

From July 1st to September 13th, in the spaces of the Chiostro S. Francesco (via S. Francesco 22), the tutors of the Orientation office and the Right to Study office, present from Monday to Friday, from 9:30 to the 12:30will be available to provide information on the educational offer, admission procedures and the main services of the university. Furthermore, the Thursday the tutors of the will also be presentEsuto provide information on accommodation and catering services for students.

In addition to guided tours and information points, a series of events are planned presentation meetings of each of the eight scientific areas and some of the main ones services and initiatives for the student community. All presentations will be held from 10.30 to 11.30 at the Reception Service stand located in the Chiostro San Francesco.

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