The Salerno area invaded by wild boars, Coldiretti to the Region: «We need to implement the plan»

The Salerno area invaded by wild boars, Coldiretti to the Region: «We need to implement the plan»
The Salerno area invaded by wild boars, Coldiretti to the Region: «We need to implement the plan»

«A 31-year-old boy from Laureana Cilento hospitalized in Naples for yet another accident caused by a wild boar. Too many lives put at risk by the excessive presence of ungulates also in Cilento National Park, Vallo di Diano and Alburni. They are needed concrete actions». To reiterate it is Coldiretti Salerno ready to mobilize against the uncontrolled invasion of wild boars and wildlife.

At a national level the data is alarming: packs cause damages of 200 million euros per year to crops, but the 170 road accidents with deaths and injuries caused by wild animals must also be added to the count. “There presence of wild boars it’s not just a problem for farmers, but for everyone. And it is a problem that must be solved – underlines the president of Coldiretti Campania and the province of Salerno Ettore Bellelli – it is a real invasion of which control has been lost. An emergency reported several times that Coldiretti Salerno has been mobilized for days through the regional and provincial assemblies. The mobilization will result in a demonstration by the first half of July.” After years of battles by Coldiretti, finally with the 2023 budget law, the article which provides for the adoption of a extraordinary management plan and the containment of wildlife.

What is missing then? «The regional implementation plan is missing – explains director Enzo Tropiano – there is no more time to waste. The farmers they breeders they can wait no longer, while the boars continue to ravage the fruits of their hard work, leaving only them behind damage and desolation. This is why farmers and breeders are ready to take to the streets again. Yet another accident in Laureana Cilento shows that it is no longer possible to postpone the problem.” In the Cilento National Park the number of ungulates present continues to grow, creating millions of euros of damage to the agricultural sector and represents a problem for the community, as demonstrated by the numerous road accidents. Ungulates are present everywhere, on the beaches and in residential areas, along the roads. For thePark Authority the main emergency remains to be resolved. The selective culling and the four collection centers are giving important results but there is still much to do. The Park has already identified four collection centers and is organizing others.

«We hope – reiterates the president Giuseppe Coccorullo – which thanks to the contribution of selectcontrollers we will face a much felt problem. The 300 selector controllers already operational will soon be joined by another 300 whose training has been completed».


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