Coronavirus, 14 cases in the province of Pisa in the last seven days

Coronavirus, 14 cases in the province of Pisa in the last seven days
Coronavirus, 14 cases in the province of Pisa in the last seven days

In the last seven days, there have been cases in Tuscany 211 new cases of Covid19: 106 confirmed with molecular swab and the other 105 with rapid test. Of these 14 are located in the province of Pisa.

The number of infected people detected in the region since the beginning of the pandemic therefore rises to 1,654,761. To date, 463 are still positive. The number of recoveries increased by 0.01% (123 people) and reached 1,641,784 (99.2% of total cases). To date, 68 people are hospitalized (12 more than the previous week, up 21.4%), of which 2 (2 less, down 50%) are in intensive care. 395 are in isolation at home because they have mild symptoms that do not require hospital treatment or are symptom-free (73 more than the previous week, up 22.7%). The list of deaths is updated with 3 new deaths: 2 men and a woman with an average age of 90.7 years.

The trend by province

With the latest cases, the number of positive cases since the beginning of the emergency rises to 442,076 in the municipalities of the metropolitan city of Florence (104 more than the previous week), 107,145 in the province of Prato (7 more), 128,123 in Pistoia (10 more ), 86,881 in Massa Carrara (14 more), 180,125 in Lucca (9 more), 194,568 in Pisa (14 more), 152,893 in Livorno (8 more), 149,629 in Arezzo (26 more), 118,780 in Siena (15 more) and 92,937 in Grosseto (4 more). To these must be added 571 positive cases notified in Tuscany but which concern residents in other regions.

Tuscany has approximately 45,188 overall cases per 100,000 inhabitants since the start of the pandemic (among residents and non-residents). At the moment the notification province with the highest rate is Lucca (with 47,130 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants), followed by Livorno (46,813) and Pisa (46,640). The lowest concentration is found in Prato (with a rate of 41,330).

The deaths

The list of deaths is updated with 3 new deaths: 2 men and a woman with an average age of 90.7 years. Relative to the province of residence, the deceased people are: 2 in Florence, 1 in Siena.

12,514 have died since the beginning of the epidemic: 3,926 in the metropolitan city of Florence, 990 in the province of Prato, 1,139 in Pistoia, 750 in Massa Carrara, 1,118 in Lucca, 1,416 in Pisa, 941 in Livorno, 814 in Arezzo, 733 in Siena, 473 in Grosseto. We must add 214 people who died on Tuscan soil but were residents outside the region.

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