“Why has Manfredonia lost over 5,000 inhabitants in thirty years? How does the new mayor La Marca intend to act?”

Manfredonia, currently an Italian municipality of 53,621 inhabitants in the province of Foggia, Puglia, has undergone a significant demographic decline in the last thirty years. In 1991, according to ISTAT data, the population was 58,750 inhabitants. This means that over 5,000 citizens of Siponto no longer reside in the municipality. It is important to understand the causes of this decrease and what measures will be taken to reverse the trend.

Why has Manfredonia lost over 5,000 inhabitants in thirty years? Who administered the city during this critical period? And above all, what does Mayor Domenico La Marca intend to do to stop this exodus? The City Councillor Giuseppe Marasco (Brothers of Italy) has filed a request with the Municipality of Manfredonia, issue 29961, on June 26, 2024, raising these crucial questions. The councilor expressed concern about the constant decrease in population, a phenomenon which can have negative implications for the local economy, public services and social cohesion.

Over the last thirty years, various mayors and administrations have succeeded one another in Manfredonia, each with their own vision and policies. However, the negative population trend suggests that insufficient measures have been taken to address the structural problems affecting the city. Possible causes of the demographic decline include lack of job opportunities, youth emigration to other regions or countries, and perceived poor quality of life.

Mayor Domenico La Marca now finds himself faced with a complex and urgent challenge. Reversing the negative demographic trend requires strategic and targeted interventions. The Councillor Marasco asked the Mayor to present a detailed plan that includes concrete actions to stimulate the local economy, improve public services and create an attractive environment for young people and families.

Possible actions the administration could take include:

Promotion of economic development: Attraction of investments and support for local businesses to create jobs and stimulate the economy.

Incentives for young people: Offer tax incentives and benefits for young people who choose to stay or move to Manfredonia, and create training and professional development opportunities.

Improvement of public services: Strengthen essential services such as health, education and transport to improve the quality of life of residents.

Enhancement of cultural and tourist heritage: Exploit Manfredonia’s natural and cultural resources to promote tourism and attract visitors and new residents.

Support for families: Implement supportive policies for families, such as daycare centers, quality schools and safe recreational areas.

Councilor Marasco’s request represents an appeal to all levels of the municipal administration to deal decisively with the demographic issue. The community of Manfredonia deserves concrete answers and a clear commitment for the future. The demographic decline of Manfredonia it is a problem that requires an integrated and long-term approach. The challenge is great, but with determined leadership and effective policies, it is possible to turn the tide and give back Manfredonia its dynamism and vitality. The response of Mayor La Marca to this request will be crucial to outline the future of the city and ensure that Manfredonia may it thrive in the decades to come.

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