Catanzaro rises up against Vittorio Feltri and “promises” lawsuits

Catanzaro rises up against Vittorio Feltri and “promises” lawsuits
Catanzaro rises up against Vittorio Feltri and “promises” lawsuits

Catanzaro, starting with the mayor Nicola Fiorita, rises up against Vittorio Feltri and his latest outburst which discredits Calabria and the Calabrians

CATANZARO – Vittorio Feltri, journalist, essayist and regional councilor of Fratelli d’Italia in Lombardy since 2023, must be a great bowler. The fine thinker from Bergamo – who includes many comments between the lines, including that relating to Adolf Hitler “severe but fair” – was able to hit with a single blow the self-love and pride of women, of the workers of the catering sector in particular in the city of Catanzaro, starting from an apparently tasteless joke addressed to the new MEP Ilaria Salis, for whom not even the armochromist of the Democratic secretary Elly Schlein will be enough.
In a video published on the TikTok profile of Il Giornale, the journalist declared: «Salis is dressed like a waitress from Catanzaro, exactly the lowest thing you can imagine».

The video began to circulate late on Saturday evening, and with it a load of indignation that stems from a social comment by the mayor of Catanzaro who, first of all, announces a complaint against Feltri.
“We will take him to court for his unacceptable insults to our city and for his racist comments,” Fiorita wrote in a Facebook post. “These are the champions of differentiated autonomy. He should be ashamed and if he has a modicum of decency, he should apologize to Catanzaro and to the women who toil in bars and restaurants with great dignity. Ever more determined to resist the bullying and arrogance of the Padanians.”

Also pushing the envelope is the regional and municipal councilor of Catanzaro, Antonello Talerico, who supports the majority of Mayor Fiorita, and has the important role of president of the Bar Association behind him.
Talerico addressed a letter to Feltri, complete with a final “promise”: «We are waiting for you in court in Catanzaro to defend yourself from yet another crime of defamation, in the hope that the disciplinary body of journalists will sanction you adequately (without pardoning you as has happened on occasion)».
«According to her, a poorly dressed person should be compared to a waitress from Catanzaro, adding that this would be the lowest thing imaginable – writes Talerico -. Before talking about the South and the social and economic inferiority that he attributes to us, you would have done well to look inside yourself first, since you would have discovered a weak man, who has made a career riding the wave of the indignation of the most vulgar populism.”

“Many of us – Talerico continues – remember the journalistic speculations with your newspaper Indipendente, also on some personal dramas that have represented the framework of the “clean hands” investigations. But we also remember that after having praised the prosecutor Di Pietro, at the time of clean hands, during the direction of Il Giornale, he had to accumulate 35 complaints from the same former magistrate. But even in this case he was forced to take it all back and write a letter of apology. So, in the course of your personal history you have shown yourself to be first a slanderer and then a coward, a man who first tells lies and then is forced to beg for forgiveness. He may have been an important journalist but, in them, he has shown himself to be a modest man, at times rude and at times cruel”.
«I believe that she – concludes Talerico – could never dress like a waitress, since dignity and respect are needed, she doesn’t know what they are».

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