Volleyball Andria, women’s sector entrusted to Annagrazia Matera

After the definition of the technical guide of the Men’s sector with Nicola Matera who will be supported by the historic technician Dino Galeandro, the technical guide of the Women’s Sector of Volleyball Andria has been defined for the 24/25 Season with the arrival of a technician of great value and experience . In fact, from next season Volleyball Andria will be able to count full-time on a historical figure of Andria volleyball, namely coach Annagrazia Matera.

A past full of important results both as an athlete and as a coach of women’s and men’s teams, coach Annagrazia Matera has spent the last decades on the benches of the women’s and men’s A, B and C series, contributing to the training of athletes still present today in the national volleyball panorama. She will hold the role of manager of the Technical area and Head Coach of the Women’s Sector, also coordinating school projects with the historic manager Gianni Massaro.

In this period that is witnessing a historic revolution for the world of volleyball, Pallavolo Andria Manzoni Sport chooses to invest and strengthen the technical guidance of its teams, focusing first and foremost on the quality and competence of the technical staff. The company that will celebrate 25 years of activity next season, intends to make a clear leap in quality with the hiring of coach Annagrazia Matera to grow the sport of volleyball in our city. From today, Annagrazia Matera fully embraces the Pallavolo Andria project, making her thirty-year experience and expertise available. She will be the point of reference not only for the youth groups, but will also have the task of training the youngest technicians – who will be supported by a competent and expert guide in planning the daily work to be carried out in the gym.

Coach Annagrazia Matera, as head of the Under women’s groups, will participate in the category championships to repeat the excellent results obtained with the Under16 group this season, as well as participating in a Series Championship to better stimulate the technical and tactical growth of the girls. Coach Annagrazia Matera will be supported by Mara Pastore who will permanently take care of the physical preparation of the women’s sector given the excellent results obtained at the end of this season. With this further choice, Pallavolo Andria confirms its vision focused on both the technical and psychophysical growth of its athletes.

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