Velletri, signature collection against the Santa Palomba incinerator at the Europa Verde stand. The words of Sergio Andreozzi

The collection of signatures for the popular petition against the Rome incinerator promoted by the Rete Tutela Roma Sud and Castelli Romani committees also continues in Velletri. Present on Saturday 22 June, at the banquet set up for the collection of signatures at the La Passeggiata shopping center in Velletri, the two co-spokesmen of Europa Verde Velletri Marina Favale And Massimo Morassut together with local representatives of Green Europe, Massimo AndolfiNational Federal Councilor of Green Europe, Green Alliance and Left and municipal councilor Sergio Andreozzigroup leader of Velletri Beni Comuni representing AVS in the area and some militants.

At the moment the petition has reached the entire territory of the Southern Province of Rome around 15 thousand signatures and represents one of over 50 initiatives (including pressure and information campaigns, regulatory proposals, letters, conferences, events and press conferences) carried out since 20 April 2022 to “counteract the incinerator and its production model, which involves the extraction of resources, consumption and destruction through incineration, resulting in the production of toxic waste, which produces significant damage to the environment, in solid form (bottom ash and light) and gaseous (carbon dioxide, dioxins, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, dust, fine dust, nano-dust, metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and furans)”we read about the reasons for the petition.

The Network associations, on the contrary, ask di “adopt innovative solutions based on a model of circular economyin compliance with the European legislation on the waste hierarchy and the Regional Waste Plan, which considers waste as a mine from which to extract raw materials to be put back into the production cycle.

The collaboration with the local municipalities has led the network to promote “multiple resolutions, joint campaigns, letters, up to coordinated legal action”.

«We have reached 15 thousand signatures but the interest is much broader. At the next city council meeting we will certainly discuss the signed motion also with councilor Giulia Ciafrei so that the Velletri municipality gives its official position as well as unofficial (on the Santa Palomba incinerator on which, compared to other neighboring municipalities, no opinion has yet been given – ed.). It can’t be this, in 2024, – the Veliterno councilor thundered – the system for treating waste: you can’t burn a wealth and we have always said that waste, from an economic point of view, must be a wealth. The incinerator has a strong environmental impact, leaving aside when it will impact public health – and for this – it must be the residual solution for waste that no longer has an alternative. The end does not justify the means when the end no longer exists.” said the Veliterno councilor Sergio Andreozzi who concluded by saying: «Rome cannot solve its problems by sending garbage to the most extreme borders but it must think about closing the waste cycle and not with this simplification which has an impact»

What is asked in the petition against the Incinerator

In essence, the popular committees Rete Tutela Roma Sud and Castelli Romani ask;

a) Al President of the Council of Ministers to intervene with the Extraordinary Government Commissioner for the Jubilee of the Catholic Church (position held by the mayor of Rome Roberto Gualtieri ed.) to suspend, on the basis of the precautionary principle and taking into account the ongoing investigation into the purchase of the land for the the plant, the procedure referred to in the aforementioned commissioner order no. 27/2023 as waste incineration is in conflict with European environmental objectives and exposes people’s health to a strong risk;

b) Al President of the Chamber of Deputies and the President of the Senate of the Republic to forward this petition to the respective branches of Parliament aimed at amending the legal provision referred to in Article 13 of Decree-Law 17 May 2022, n. 50 converted with amendments by Law 15 July 2022, n. 91 (in Official Gazette 15/07/2022, n. 164 providing for the repeal of letters a) and d) of paragraph 1 on the basis of the reasons fully developed in the introductory part; to promote within the respective branches of Parliament with the involvement of parliamentary groups the adoption of guidelines aimed at suspending, on the basis of the precautionary principle and taking into account the ongoing investigation into the purchase of the land for the plant, the tender procedure referred to in the aforementioned commissioner order no. 27/2023 as Waste incineration is in conflict with European environmental objectives and puts people’s health at great risk; to encourage broad debate within the two Chambers and the adoption of legislative and non-legislative initiatives aimed at introducing a general moratorium for new incineration plants and reviewing the current emission limits, which are no longer sufficient to protect health;

c) Al President of the Lazio Region to make use of the prerogatives that the provision of Article 13 paragraph 2, second paragraph of the aforementioned Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2022 converted with amendments by Law no. 91/2022 gives the Lazio Region the right to express itself within 15 days
from the adoption of the ordinances of the Extraordinary Commissioner to counter the progress of POPULAR PETITION AGAINST THE INCINERATOR OF ROME
10 as provided for by ordinances no. 7 and no. 8 of 2022 and n. 27/2023 issued by the Extraordinary Government Commissioner for the Jubilee of the Catholic Church, to declare, as requested by the Municipality of Albano Laziale with resolution no. 48/2023, the establishment of an area at high risk of environmental crisis on the site of the Roncigliano landfill pursuant to the aforementioned regional law n.13/2019;

from the President of the Council of the Lazio Region to transmit this petition to the Council aimed at: to stimulate the Council, through appropriate policy acts, to make use of the prerogatives that the provision of Article 13 paragraph 2, second paragraph of the aforementioned Article 13 of Legislative Decree no. 50/2022 converted with amendments by Law no. 91/2022 gives the Lazio Region the power to express itself within 15 days of the adoption of the ordinances of the Extraordinary Commissioner to counter the advancement of the provisions of ordinances no. 7 and no. 8 of 2022 and n. 27/2023 issued by the Extraordinary Government Commissioner for the Jubilee of the Catholic Church; to support the Council, through appropriate policy documents, the request of the Municipality of Albano Laziale made with resolution no. 48/2023, the establishment of an area at high risk of environmental crisis on the site of the Roncigliano landfill pursuant to the aforementioned regional law n.13/2019.

And) To the European Commission to verify, directly on the basis of this complaint or upon mandate from the European Parliament, among the recipients of this petition, the compatibility of the construction of an incineration plant with a capacity of 600 thousand tonnes of undifferentiated waste per year intended to
function until at least 2055 as per the ordinances of the Extraordinary Government Commissioner for the Jubilee of the Catholic Church n. 7/2022, n. 8/2022 and n. 27/2023 with:
– European legislation on waste and with the regulation relating to climate objectives
defined by Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 2021;
– European environmental objectives, given that waste incineration causes significant long-term environmental damage;
– the precautionary principle, which would be violated with the construction of this plant.

e) Al European Parliament to urgently examine, also activating the timely verification of the
European Commission, the compatibility of the construction of an incineration plant with a capacity of 600 thousand tonnes of undifferentiated waste per year intended to operate at least until 2055 as per the ordinances of the Extraordinary Government Commissioner for the Jubilee of the Catholic Church n. 7/2022, n. 8/2022 and n. 27/2023 with:
– European legislation on waste and with the regulation relating to the climate objectives defined by Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 2021;
– European environmental objectives, considering that waste incineration causes significant environmental damage in the long term;
– the precautionary principle, which would be violated with the construction of this plant.
– to promote broad debate within it, aimed atintroducing a general moratorium on new incineration plants in the European Union and reviewing existing emission limits, no longer sufficient to protect health; to guarantee respect for every individual and collective right protected by the Treaties and by European Union law, which are susceptible to infringement and to adopt any act or initiative appropriate to their protection.

Who are the South Rome and Castelli Romani Protection Network:

I am formally 22 associations representatives of the most attentive civil society in the area, who collaborate with national environmental associations, companies and local institutions. The Network is open to everyone’s contribution and constantly committed to extending participation, especially among young people.

At the moment the following have formally joined:
the. FARE Castelli Association – Elena Mazzoni
ii. S. Palomba Neighborhood Committee – Paolo Ceccarelli
iii. Circolo Legambiente Appia Sud “Il Riccio” – Mirko Laurenti
iv. Circolo Legambiente Agro Romano Meridionale – Chiara Barberini
v. Pavona Uno neighborhood committee – Salvatore Stefanelli
you. Villa Ferrajoli neighborhood committee – Arturo De Marzi
vii. Fabrica Albano – Carla Oliva Association
viii. Io Amo Committee via S. Maria in Formarola – Laura Orsatti
ix. Italy Our Castelli Romani Section – Enrico Del Vescovo
x. Terra Canta Agricultural Company – Carlo Giudicepietro
xi. Association for Change – Claudio Tariciotti
xii. Formiche Energie Positive Marino – Marco Carbonelli
xiii. See Otherwise Association – Antonella Gullo
xiv. Albano Historic Center Neighborhood Committee – Alessandro Bettoni
xv. Tor Paluzzi – Savino Volpe Neighborhood Committee
xvi. Miramare Neighborhood Committee – Paolo Zonetti
xvii. Montagnano Neighborhood Committee – Valter Sartori
xviii. ANPI Castelli Romani dial – Simona Biffignandi
xix. Archeoclub Aricino Nemorense – Maria Cristina Vincenti
xx. COP
xxi. Taking sides “Piazza Frasconi Genzano” – Elena Fattori
xxii. Association for degrowth (Rome Group) – Federico Calò

To join the network write to: [email protected]

Generic June 2024
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