Conte’s presentation at Napoli: time and where to follow it

NAPLES – An unexpected rain welcomed yesterday’s return to Naples Antonio Conte. Green hat, midnight blue t-shirt, smiles and selfies with some fans outside the Grand Hotel Parker’s. Today is Conte day: everything is ready for the presentation press conference. Appointment at the Court Theater of Palazzo Reale at 3.15 pm. Splendid, historic location, overlooking Piazza del Plebiscito, located in the heart of the city: on one side Via Toledo and Via Chiaia, on the other the seafront, Vesuvius in the background, places and photographs that will soon become familiar to the new Napoli coach . Conte already knows the city well, but can’t wait to experience it as the first protagonist. Time to time. The first official step, after the signing and the announcement, is the presentation press conference. Here we are.

International event

It will be a truly international event organized for days down to the smallest detail. Nothing will be left to chance. On the other hand, a decidedly original location was chosen. Journalists will arrive from everywhere, various networks have been accredited, there will be correspondents – among others – from ESPN and CBS. Over one hundred people are expected to attend, including photographers and operators. Napoli had to comply with the rules imposed by the management (no more than 400 accreditations), but the press conference will still be broadcast live everywhere. In fact, each broadcaster will be able to connect to the signal and broadcast the images. Conte day will also be broadcast live on Napoli’s YouTube channel. There is great anticipation for his words, for the first statements as the new coach of Napoli after those released on social media and some jokes to the reporters who escorted him during the days of his signing in Rome. SLOGAN. A couple of days after the official announcement on June 5, Conte released some words to Napoli’s official channels. The slogan chosen was: “But it’s hard work“. A sort of clue for the future. The coach let himself go back to his memories: “If they tell me Naples many things come to mind. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, the Neapolitan people have a lot of passion. It will be a great football and life experience, I can’t wait to experience it“. He spoke about the memory of Maradona facing Lecce and the stadium that will soon be the scene of his new adventure.

Conte’s stages

After Tottenham, here is Napoli. Conte has chosen to start again from Serie A. He has joined the Italian club with a three-year contract. He signs and takes the usual photo at FilmAuro before returning to Turin. Then back to Naples, the two-day full-immersion in Castel Volturno to start organizing work, the return home to Salento, and yesterday the return to Naples for today’s conference. Meanwhile, his collaborators have recently visited the facilities in Dimaro Folgarida and Castel di Sangro where the two summer retreats will be held. The first from 11th to 21st July, the second from 25th July to 8th-9th August. We will return first for the thirty-second round of the Italian Cup. The first official appointment of the new season. Signed Antonio Conte.

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