Thousands take to the streets in the name of Satnam Singh, victim of gangmastering

Thousands take to the streets in the name of Satnam Singh, victim of gangmastering
Thousands take to the streets in the name of Satnam Singh, victim of gangmastering

“Justice for Satnam”. This was what was requested by the demonstration which yesterday afternoon, Tuesday 25 June, brought together the Indian community of Lazio on the streets of Latina. At least two thousand participants in the procession which reached the Prefecture from the bus station.

But alongside the demand for justice for such a dramatic death, there is that of greater safety at work and, above all, the end of gangmastering and the exploitation of workers. “Things like this happen almost every day and it is no longer acceptable – explains Rasa, representative of agricultural workers for Uil -. The fact of not having the documents in order makes them blackmailed and it is precisely from the residence permits that we need to start.” The mayor of Latina, Matilde Celentano, appears to have the same idea: “Give residence permits and defeat illegal immigration”, said the first citizen who then from the stage, on which representatives of the Indian community and the trade unions took turns, he added: “Defeating the gangmaster is a war of civilizations. And the wars of civilization must be won by all united, because no one can do it alone.”

“The gangmaster is a form of slavery that is not part of our culture, that does not belong to our city and our nation. We intend in every possible way to prevent there being another Satnam tomorrow. But also another young woman like Soni , overwhelmed by the pain and the atrocities suffered by her husband” added Celentano recalling the meeting with Satnam’s wife and the commitment to get her family members, and not only, to Latina. “At the same time I was interested in ensuring that the young woman woman had legal protection in our country, which is necessary so that no one can take advantage of her fragility, in this particular moment. The president of the Latina Bar Association, the lawyer Giovanni Lauretti, who I contacted, made himself available to provide her with legal protection. the legal assistance he needs”. The citizen’s mourning has also been confirmed. “Satnam’s death has touched all of us and what we can and must do to ensure that this never happens again is teamwork that must not have a political colour” .

Tarnjit Singh, 30, a friend and colleague of Satnam, also participated in the demonstration, which was promoted by the Indian community of Lazio and was supported by Uila Uil, Fai Cisl and Usb. He recounted the moments following the dramatic accident in which the worker lost his arm before being abandoned in front of his home without being helped.

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