Ast, Fiom Cgil Terni: no more political exploitation on important issues such as environment, health and safety

“We consider the statements of those who, resigning from the municipal council, speak of ‘certain unions’ who were informed by the workers of cases of illegality in Ast’s environmental management to be serious and out of place”. This is what the Fiom Cgil of Terni writes in a note which underlines how numerous institutional subjects are responsible for monitoring and sanctioning any criminal behavior in this matter. “Since 2008 – Fiom points out – the Protocol for the planning of interventions regarding health, environment and safety within Acciai Speciali Terni has been in force, signed at the prefectural level, as well as by the company and trade unions, by the Prefect, the Region Umbria, Province of Terni, Municipality of Terni, Fire Brigade, Territorial Labor Inspectorate, USL Umbria2, Inail and Arpa. All bodies that monitor and sanction illegalities in terms of the environment, health and safety. In detail – specifies Fiom – through its control units, Arpa constantly monitors the state of the water, soil and air in relation to the production of Acciai Speciali Terni”.

“Does anyone have any other data?” asks the union. “Or perhaps you are certain that those published officially are not true? If this were the case, the necessary consequences should be drawn.” The Fiom of Terni, together with the CGIL, recalls having responded to the mayor, when asked specifically, that if she had been aware of news of a crime she would have “immediately informed the competent bodies”.

“Perhaps illegality and critical issues are being confused, which obviously exist – continue the blue suits of the CGIL – and are significant, but which we have never ignored inside and outside the site. Of course there is still a lot to do on dust, heat, noise and work organization, but these are the daily topics that FIOM delegates and Rls discuss, in close contact with the Trade Union Safety Representative for the entire site , also stopping the plants when it became necessary.”

“Instead of sterile party controversies – concludes Fiom – efforts should be made to put an end to this worrying phase of stalemate on the program agreement and to ground the industrial plan, which provides for around 85,000,000 euros of investments linked to the environment , as well as aiming for decisive decarbonisation. Issues such as the environment, health and safety should not be exploited for a mere political battle, which does not interest and does not concern workers. We therefore ask those who speak of illegality to clarify what they mean and who they are referring to when they indicate “some informed unions”. Otherwise we would be forced to take legal action to defend the good work and honorability of the confederation and the category in the interests of the workers we represent”.

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