Fires, the attention phase starts in Emilia Romagna from 1 July

Fires, the attention phase starts in Emilia Romagna from 1 July
Fires, the attention phase starts in Emilia Romagna from 1 July

From Monday July 1st and until September 15th, take the attention phase for forest fires in all the provinces of theEmilia Romagna. The provision was issued by the Regional Agency for Territorial Security and Civil Protection, in agreement with the representatives of the Regional Directorate of the Fire Brigade, the Regional Carabinieri Forestry Command and Arpae Emilia Romagna. “After the last, heavy wave of bad weather, the great heat has returned. Even if at the moment Emilia Romagna is not suffering from the Drought – said Irene Priolo, vice president with responsibility for Civil Protection – we are ready to face any critical issues with people and means.”

Furthermore, at the same time as the start of the summer campaign against fires, a twinning with the Region will also begin Sardiniawhich will see the sending of a mobile column from Emilia Romagna with teams of Civil Protection volunteers: they will be engaged on the island in July.

With the start of the attention phase, the Carabinieri Forestale patrols will have as their priority the control of fires and the repression of illegal behavior. In Emilia Romagna, a medium risk bulletin (yellow code) has been issued, valid until July 7: fires must be put out by 11 am. Every day, 18 forest patrols will be dedicated to the prevention of forest fires. In addition, up to 9 volunteer teams are in the field, one for each province, and two Fire Brigade helicopters in the period considered most critical, namely the central weeks of August.

Also from July 1st (and until September 1st), at the headquarters of the Regional Agency for Territorial Security and Civil Protection in viale Silvani in Bologna, the Soup, a permanent unified operations room, will also be open to protect the territory. From 8 am to 8 pm, including Saturday and Sunday, representatives of the Fire Department, the Forestry Carabinieri and the Civil Protection volunteers will be present. About 150 volunteers are involved in the activity of protecting the Soup and in the fire-spotting teams.

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