after 9 years he will go to prison

after 9 years he will go to prison
after 9 years he will go to prison

Marcheno (Brescia) – Confirmed life imprisonment for Giacomo Bozzoli. Three hours of hearing and a council chamber of just under five hours. Shortly before 6 pm the ruling was released with which the Court of Cassation decided to reject the defense’s appeal and surrendered life imprisonment is definitive, after the convictions issued in Brescia in the first and second degree.

For Giacomo Bozzoli, 39 years old in a few daysalways remained at liberty in these nine years, the doors of the prison. The Supreme Court also held this to be true guilty of the murder of his uncle Mario, the evening ofOctober 8, 2015 in the family foundry, in Marchenoand to have destroyed his body by doing so disappear into oven great. According to the judges of Brescia Giacomo had the ccollaboration of the workers Oscar Maggi and Giuseppe Ghirardinthe. The latter, in charge of the large oven, had disappeared only to be found lifeless, poisoned by a cyanide ‘acorn’ in Case di Viso, in Valle Camonica: the other side of a double mystery.

The stoats of the first criminal section, chaired by Giuseppe Santalucia, accepted the request of the general prosecutor of the Supreme Court that it be appeal rejected of Bozzoli’s lawyers. Money, frayed family relationships, resentment that turns into a real vindictive feeling. For the deputy prosecutor Assunta Cocomello, the two sentences are flawless, both formally and logically. Mario Bozzoli is definitely dead and is died inside his company. “Alternative leads are only accreditable in the field of magic,” argued the prosecution representative. All the evidence converge on Giacomo Bozzoli. The place and time where the accused was: in the oven department, between 7.15pm (after Mario’s phone call to his wife to warn her that he was preparing to go home) and 7.18pm, time of ‘anomalous’ smoke exit from the large oven, into which, according to the prosecution and the sentences, the businessman’s body was thrown. The movement of the internal cameras because they filmed a ‘dead’ point of the factory and not the crime scene. Giacomo’s return to the foundry, ten minutes after leaving it, not to arrange a production change but to complete the action and do disappear the body.

Il motive: the long-settled resentment of the young Bozzoli towards his uncle, repeatedly manifested together with a desire for physical elimination. A hatred also fueled by economic reasonsi, from Giacomo’s belief that Mario represented an obstacle to his entrepreneurial projects. defenders, the lawyer Luigi Frattini and professor Franco Coppi, have asked for the annulment of the sentence. For Coppi (at one time lawyer of Andreotti and Berlusconi) the “double conformity” of the sentence is not synonymous with absolute truth, but could be a double error. Just as it is a mistake to believe that it is the defense that has to provide proof of innocence of the accused: it is instead the prosecution that must prove his guilt. In the sights of the defense the change of charge occurred in the last hearings of the first instance trial. The accusation had gone from “he killed his uncle and transported the body out of the company in his car” to “he killed his uncle in the foundry oven”. The answer of the sentences to the question where the remains had ended up it had been “there were no remains”. But the judicial experiment with the pig in the furnace of Provaglio proved the opposite since traces of the charred animal had been found. Proof of the hypothetical is completely lacking agreement between Giacomo Bozzoli and Oscar Maggiit is not said where and when Giacomo would have convinced the worker.

Unlike the trials held in Brescia, the accused (who has always proclaimed his innocence) was not in the classroom. Also absent Mario Bozzoli’s wife, Irene Zubani, hey two sons, represented by lawyers Vanni and Vieri Barzellotti. “The decisions – he says Lawyer Vanni Barzellotti – of the Court of Cassation was welcomed by Mrs. Bozzoli and her children with the relief of those who finally see, even if years later, justice done, with the definitive ascertainment of Giacomo Bozzoli’s guilt for the killing of their relative. All the criticisms that had been directed at the decisions of the judges of merit were not considered worthy of acceptance. Today we have the truth. A truth that delivers to Mario Bozzoli’s family a judgment that has reached the final level and has become definitive.”

Era gift Instead Adelio Bozzoli, father of Giacomo and older brother of Mario. “Giacomo is innocent,” he told reporters before the sentence. He is very ill.” “I’m devastated,” was his only comment at the end. The comment of the lawyer Frattini, Giacomo Bozzoli’s lawyer, is lapidary: “It is an unjust sentence”.

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