OFFICIAL: Trapani confirms Torrisi and Mussi

OFFICIAL: Trapani confirms Torrisi and Mussi
OFFICIAL: Trapani confirms Torrisi and Mussi

Alfio Torrisi e Andrea Mussi still at the Trapani. Also for next year, the year of the return to Serie C. The coach and sporting director, in fact, were confirmed in their respective roles on the first day of the opening of the transfer market. The two have renewed their contract, extending it until June 30, 2025.

Per Alfio Torrisi This is the third championship at the helm of the Trapani with whom last year he achieved several records in the Serie D championship, winning the tournament and gaining promotion to Serie C. And also winning the Coppa Italia. I am very proud and happy to continue this wonderful adventure with Trapani – were the first words of Alfio Torrisi immediately after confirmation -. Seeing the work we have done from day one until today is something extraordinary and I am sure that this group will remain in the history of this club forever. I thank with affection and esteem President Antonini for the trust he continues to give me, Director Mussi and all the people who work for Trapani. I can’t wait to start again and get back on the pitch to continue the work done last year. We must continue to build and win to give many more joys and satisfactions to our wonderful fans. Forza Trapani”.

I am very happy and I thank the company for giving me the opportunity to continue this great adventure – explained the sporting director Andrea Mussi . We are already working with the president and the coach with great dedication and conviction to build a very strong team capable of winning the next Serie C championship”.

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