Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta 2024 – Business Plan Competition

Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta 2024 – Business Plan Competition
Start Cup Piemonte Valle d’Aosta 2024 – Business Plan Competition

First phase completed “Ideas Competition” of the initiative Start Cup Piedmont Aosta Valley 2024the 20th edition of the competition for entrepreneurial projects now comes to the fore with the Phase IIil Business Plan Competitionpromoted by incubators I3PIncubator of Innovative Businesses of the Polytechnic of Turin, and 2i3TBusiness Incubator of the University of Turin.
The competition is a unique opportunity to transform studies and research into business projectsregardless of the stage of development, and join the network of innovative business incubators.

Completely free, The competition is open to all aspiring entrepreneurs adults with the aim of promoting and supporting the birth of startup innovative with a high knowledge content to promote the economic development of the Piedmont and Aosta Valley regions. Anyone can participateboth individually and in teams, even without having taken part in the previous phase, by sending by July 29, 2024 an innovative entrepreneurial project in one of the five categories of competition: Cleantech & Energy, ICT, Industrial, Life Sciences, Turismo e Industria Culturale e Creativa.

By the beginning of November they will be The best startup projects participating in the Business Plan Competition have been announced who will receive prizes of economic value, as well as special mentions, awarded with the support of a Jury composed of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and business angels.

Thanks to the resources made available by the promoters and supporters of the 2024 edition, this year the total prize money rises to over 75,000 euros and will be paid in money, intended to generate financial resources functional to the launch of innovative startups, and servicesoffered by various partners.

I three overall winners will receive cash prizes: the first place winner will receive a cash prize of 7.500 euroaccording to 5.000 and on the third of 2.500. Ai first six projects in the rankings, the prize of 1,000 euros each will also be awarded for registration to the PNI 2024the National Award for Innovation, the “champions cup” among the winning business projects of the regional Start Cups that will take place this year Thursday 5th and Friday 6th December 2024 in Romeorganized by the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” in collaboration with the universities and research institutions of the Start Cup Lazio network, within the Lazio innovation ecosystem called Rome Technopole funded by the PNRR.
There will also be no shortage i Awards and special mentions promoted by sponsors interested in making a concrete contribution to the development of innovation.

All information is available on the official website.
Submit your innovative business project by July 29, 2024.

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