The social year of the President of the Inner Wheel club of Terni Cecilia Adami

The social year of the President of the Inner Wheel club of Terni Cecilia Adami
The social year of the President of the Inner Wheel club of Terni Cecilia Adami

A year full of satisfactions

TERNI – The social year of the President of the Inner Wheel Club of Terni, Dr. Cecilia Adami, is coming to an end, during which the centenary of the largest and most important women’s service association in the world was also celebrated: the International Inner Wheel, born in Manchester (UK), in 1924. «It was an exciting year marked by solidarity and friendship, fundamental principles of the association, but also cornerstones of my being – comments the President. This year we have dedicated ourselves above all to problems relating to neurodivergences, such as attention deficit disorder (ADHD) and the autism spectrum, with services with a high solidarity content. We have focused on information and training meetings, carried out by specialists in the sector and aimed at teachers and parents with the aim of increasing the ability to identify and treat these situations early and obtain results on the cognitive and social side, also making use of the experience of the representatives of the families. We have contributed to the educational and recreational projects of two associations, such as ceramic and art workshops, self-help summer camps and to improve the social skills of users. We have not forgotten to keep attention high on the issue of violence against women, with a conference at the BCT entitled -History of Women- held by the writer Chiara Ricci, and with the concrete contribution intended for the supply of play equipment for the children’s playground children guests of the family home for women in difficulty, present in the headquarters of the Foundation of the Blessed Lucia of Narni. All this would not have been possible without the collaboration of the members and many friends of the IW Club of Terni, who contributed by enthusiastically participating in the Christmas and carnival events which brought a lot of fun and joy to the participants united in the desire to do good for others. It was also a year of collaborations in synergy with other Clubs. With the Inter Club IW of Umbria, coordinated by our dear friend and President of the Spoleto Club Simona Granelli, we celebrated the hundredth anniversary of the foundation of the IIW, supporting the participation of a boy in the disabled campus organized by the Umbrian Rotary Clubs. We contributed to the organization of Maestro Stracchi’s piano concert at the Gazzoli Auditorium, promoted by the Soroptimist of Terni with the President Raffaella Brizioli, in favor of cancer patients and their families. We organised, in synergy with the Lions Club Terni Host and the President Alessandra Robatto, a seminar on the prevention of oncological diseases in women of which, as a doctor, I was also the moderator”. A great team effort to promote solidarity and respect for everyone. Initiatives and meetings for the good of society.

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