VIDEO Latina, League activist forced to remove party flag at demonstration for Satnam Singh

During the demonstration to remember the dead laborer

June 25, 2024

An activist of League was forced to remove the flag of his partyor, during the demonstration organized by Latina Indian community to remember the laborer Satnam Singh, who died after being abandoned outside his home after losing an arm following an accident at work. He himself tells it to LaPresse: “”La Digos he made me take down the flag, I don’t know why, I’m an activist and a member and unfortunately I can’t express my disappointment.” “Do you think that the presence of the League could cause tension in this square? It had never happened until now. I don’t see why it should create tension, when we in the League are the first party to protect these people. I find it contradictory” added the militant who specified: “ “The League is the first party that defends these people because we want that when these poor things come in they do so with a regularized employment contract and with the address where they live and all their documents okay. Instead they let them in clandestinely, they are invisible and they exploit them”, specifying that “If it were up to us in the League this would never have happened.”

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